Chapter 23

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I threw my last tissue at the table and groaned, throwing my face into a pillow. Two months went by, I haven't heard from Natalie, and I can't get over her. I don't want to get over her. I need her here, with me. Right now. I haven't left my apartment since she left. I failed to show up at Rocque Records every time Gustavo needed me, which could really end up hurting me.

I was currently in plaid pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt, my eyes hurting from all the crying I've been doing lately. Mom was in the kitchen doing the dishes and making lunch for me and Katie. Katie said she was going to the vending machine and pick a fight with Bitters about lowering the prices of the snacks, since he decided to raise the price to five dollars instead of a dollar.

There was a knock on the door, and my mom told me that I needed to get it because I barely moved around in two months. "Ugh, fine." I tossed the blanket off of me and walked, rather slowly, to the door and opened it. When I saw her standing on the opposite side of that door, I couldn't move. It was like I was in a shock or something.

"I'm so sorry." Natalie had tears forming in her eyes and some were already falling. My arms reached in front of me as I opened the door all the way to let her in. She put a foot in the door, and stared up at me. God, she was beautiful. And I lost her. I lost the girl I loved the most because of something that I did.

I put my hands on the sides of her face, pulled her closer to me and smashed my lips to hers. She didn't pull away, and neither did I. I missed kissing her like I always did. I miss holding her in my arms or taking her out on movie and lunch dates like I always did. She made me feel something that I never felt before.

We pulled away, but our eyes were still locked together. "I- I'm so so sorry Kendall. I left without saying goodbye and—" I cut her off by pulling her in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck and nestled my face on the top of her head. "Maybe it wasn't goodbye." I spoke at last. I didn't want to let her slip out of my fingers again.

"I hurt you, Kendall, maybe not as much as you hurt me, but I hurt you." She sniffled before wiping her nose with the sleeve of her hoodie. "I hurt you so much more Natalie. You don't know how much it affected me knowing that I let you slip away just like that. I hate myself more than anything for what I did to you. If I could have the chance to take that all back, I'd do it. I just can't lose you again." Then the tears started falling my down my face again.

"You didn't lose me, Kendall. I'm right here, and I'm not leaving you again. Okay?" I didn't have time to respond because Natalie's lips were already against mine.

"I love you Natalie." I felt her smile against my lips and I knew that I brought the happiness out of her again. "I love you too Kendall."

My mom was quite surprised to  see Natalie and I cuddling on the couch when she got home. She tore Natalie away from me and enveloped her into a conversation about whatever. I smiled to myself knowing that this was reality. I finally had Natalie back.

"So, how was Minnesota?" I asked out of the blue. I felt her shrug from the side. "Wasn't like here, that's for sure." I heard her laugh, and that's the first time in months that I heard her laughing. "Duh, Palm Woods is so much better than Minnesota. Although I do miss my family and old friends, I'm also happy where I am now. I got you, I got my best friends. I couldn't ask for anything better than to have my favorite people with me." I ducked my head down and kissed the top of her head.

I heard soft snoring coming from Natalie. I stroked her hair with my fingers, quietly singing to her, even if she wasn't completely asleep. I didn't even know what I was singing, because I ended up falling asleep next to the love of my life, and I couldn't be happier.

Vote & Comment! Ah, they're back together! I'm crying tears of happiness right now.

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