Chapter 12

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Kendall and I arrived to the movies after what seemed like we would never be able too do due to the fact that we had a little fight over me wanting to leave Palm Woods. I offered to buy the popcorn and drinks for us, but of course, Kendall was a gentleman and bought them for us.

"Finally, we get to have our movie date." Kendall said, sitting down in the seat next to me. I nodded my head in response and pushed my seat back so my head was laying down. I looked over and Kendall was just smiling at me, which caused my face to feel very hot. I hid my face inside of my hoodie and stifled a laugh that wanted to escape.

"I didn't want us to fight. Living here means so much to me and I regret ever wanting to leave Palm Woods. And you're here, so I can't leave you...ever." I admitted while Kendall's eyes were still on me, but I didn't even look at him. I could just tell by the feeling that he was still smiling.

When the movie was halfway over, Kendall whispered in my ear. His breath was cool down the side of my neck and goosebumps rose up all over my body. I turned my neck to be faced with Kendall and his face was just mere inches from mine. Something about Kendall just makes my insides warm up whenever I'm in his presence or he's in mine, and I don't even know what it is.

"Natalie, we've been going on dates for a little while now and I wanted to ask you something." He said, trailing his hand back down to mine and pulling up towards his lips. My whole body went limp when he kissed my hand. I averted my eyes away from my hand and back to him. "What do you want to ask?" I replied, already having a feeling that I knew what he was going to do.

"Would you want to be my gi—"

"How's the movie going?" I screamed and accident spilled the popcorn all over the ground. My eyes narrowed and I looked behind me to see who scared the living crap out of me. It was none other than James and Carlos. They were hunched over and laughing so hard that everyone from Palm Woods could hear it.

"What are you guys doing here? Can't you see we're in the middle of something?" I waved my hands between me and Kendall. Their eyebrows knitted together in confusion, then quickly separated when they finally realized what they did. I smacked both of them upside the head and told them to leave or be quiet.

"Pushy." I heard Carlos mutter under his breath. "Meanie." James also muttered under his breath, although I could clearly still hear them as they were sitting behind me and Kendall.

"Now, what were you going to say?" I asked Kendall again, but his mood clearly changed because of the guys interrupting us. "Uh, well, I was wondering, would you want to be my gi—"

"Are you kidding me! Why her? She cheated on you!" James screeched from his seat, making everyone turn around and shush him. I groaned, covering my head and sliding down the seat until my legs met the floor. Both of them are getting on my last nerve, and by them I mean Carlos and James.

Kendall bent down towards me. "Do you want to go somewhere else so they can't interrupt us anymore or do you just want to watch the movie?" He whispered so that we wouldn't get yelled at.

"Let's finish the movie." I grumbled. I fixed my seating and laid my head on Kendall's shoulder, shortly falling asleep.

"Why do you guys have to always interrupt what we're doing?" I screamed once we were back in Kendall's apartment. James and Carlos were piled on top of each other on the couch, hiding from me, while Logan was at the counter eating a sandwich.

"And where were you?" I pointed at Logan, who had a piece of bread dangling from his mouth. He pointed at the couch, trying to say that he was here the whole time everything happened at the movies.

"I tried stopping them." Logan said, glaring at the guys. I turned on my heel and stomped right out of their apartment. Kendall quickly followed, shutting the door behind him. My back was against the wall, my eyes closed. I was stressed. I can never get alone time with Kendall. Not when the guys are around, that's for sure.

"Now I can finally ask you. Would you want—" Kendall stopped mid sentence, balled his hand into a fist, and pounded once on the door, and I heard the guys scream. I'm guessing that they were listening.

"Would you want to be my girlfriend?" Kendall finally asked after what felt like years of waiting. My heart skipped a thousands beats. A smile formed on my lips before I could even say a word.

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." I hugged him, and I felt his lips push into my hair.

Now I'm finally happy.

Vote & Comment! Yay, Kendall and Natalie are together!

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