Chapter 46

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"Kendall, calm down!" I screamed as he started to throw things across the apartment. He ignored me, throwing more things until it got way out of control. I grabbed the boom that he was holding very tightly, and set it down on the couch before he could do anything.

"You don't get it! It's been two weeks. Two weeks Logan."

I placed my hands on his shoulders and almost had to stand on my tiptoes. "Maybe I don't get it, but that's not the point. The point is that you need to stop acting like an animal and at least try to control your anger. I've never seen you like this, and it scares me Kendall."

Kendall seemed to be calming down a little bit because his face wasn't as tense as it was before. I removed my hands from his shoulders and led him to the couch, kicking the book out of his reach.

"What is wrong with me?"

His hands were now covering his face, while I had a pillow up against my chest in case he wanted to hit something or someone, like me. "Nothing's wrong with you. I know you still love her, but she hasn't talked to you and maybe she's thinking that you don't care about her anymore."

"I do care about her, and I do love her! Why would she think that?" Kendall shot up off the couch and his face was getting tense again. "You know why she did. Natalie didn't expect you to just walk away from her and act like nothing happened, Kendall. She wanted you to talk to her, and you didn't."

"God, I'm so stupid, I can't do anything right." Tears started to flow out of Kendall and I didn't know what to do. I've never seen him cry before, I don't know how this works.

"You can be when you do stupid things. And this is one of them." I said before I left the apartment. I would go and try to find Camille, but we broke up two weeks ago, so we haven't spoken since then. Jo frantically ran up to me and was freaking out. "Have you seen Natalie? I can't find her, but her stuff is still in her apartment."

"She's going crazy, we have to find her!"

We ran all over the Palm Woods looking for Natalie, but she was nowhere to be found. The only other area that I know of is the parking lot where all the cars are parked, and if Natalie's car isn't there, then we're definitely screwed. I counted down each of the cars until I got to the space that was unoccupied. I stopped in my tracks and stared at the nothings in front of me.

"Her car is missing."

Not bothering to get a faster ride, Jo and I ran down the street looking for any signs of Natalie's car. We definitely got sidetracked by the paparazzi and Rushers, but we had to hurry and make sure that Natalie doesn't do anything stupid.

We ran down a vacant road and saw only one car on the whole street. Natalie's car. I know this because she owns a black BMW and also because no one at the Palm Woods owns a BMW either. The car was all the way at the other end of the street, so to run down there would take at least five minutes or so.

All of a sudden, before we got close to her, the car jolted to life and drove at top speed. When I looked over, there wasn't a street anymore because it was a dead end.

"Jo! We have to—"

I heard Jo scream as her face was filled with horror. Natalie's car had crashed into the tree halfway down the block. I sprinted as fast as I could until I made it up to that car. Jo came running back behind me, her whole body trembling as she did.

"I- Is she okay? P- please don't let her be dead."

Jo stayed sitting on the ground while looking up at the sky and praying. I didn't want to look inside of that car, in fear that the scene would be gruesome and heart wrenching as well. Jo ushered me to look to see if everything was okay.

I slowly moved to the front drivers seat window and peeked inside of it. My mouth dropped open, my face was horrible and tears fell from my face. Natalie was slumped across the staring wheel, blood tricking down her face while she was unconscious.

I threw open the door and tried to get Natalie up, but she was slowly losing her breath and her life.

"Jo, call an ambulance, we don't have much time."

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