Chapter 45

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My mind was all over place for the past two weeks and I couldn't handle it anymore. I barely talked to anyone, besides Jo, and none of the other guys, besides Logan, came to comfort me when I badly needed it. I haven't even talked to my mom or dad ever since the hard breakup and the fact that Kendall didn't seem to even care about anything me one bit broke me even harder.

I needed to leave. I needed to go somewhere and calm down before I shut everyone completely out of my life.

I grabbed my keys and headed down to the parking lot towards my car. I frantically searched every single parking space until I found my black BMW. I got inside, put the keys in the ignition, strapped my seatbelt over my shoulder, and put the car in drive and left the parking lot.

I didn't even know where I was going at this point, I just needed to escape the Palm Woods for a while. I drove down the Main Street that was packed with people on each sidewalk. Rushers knew it was me because of my car, but I didn't stop to acknowledge them because I wasn't in the mood for anything.

I found a vacant street and parked on the side all the way down at the end of the street and just stayed there, thinking and crying for however long I could maintain. I heard screaming coming from the opposite side of the street and I knew who the voices were coming from.

Logan and Jo.

"Why do I always do this?" I screamed and cried to myself, throwing my head repeatedly against the wheel until my head was throbbing from it. My hands gripped the sides of the wheel, my knuckles turning white from the amount of pressure and force I was using.

I looked behind me, and saw that Logan and Jo were still far back. They wouldn't make it up here in time before I didn't something utterly and completely stupid. I contemplated on whether or not I want to do the unthinkable.

I restarted the car and tried to put in drive, but my body was shaking so bad that I didn't even step on the gas pedal to actually move the car. After a few tries, I finally got the car moving and I drove at top street until I could crash into a tree that was a few feet in front of me.

I kept driving at a fast speed, hoping that this crash that was about to happen would take everything away from me, forever. I spun my head around and looked for the biggest tree that I could possibly find.

To my right, I saw a huge oak tree so I abruptly turned to wheel and aimed towards the right. I heard the tires squeak as I made the sharp turn but I didn't care. Why should I care? I kept driving and driving, and I didn't bother to turn back to look at my best friends who were most likely scared for their life and mine.

I thought back on all the times I had with Jo and Logan and I wanted to so badly stop what I was doing, but I couldn't pull enough strength out of me to stop the car.

I screamed and screamed and screamed at the top of Kong's in hopes that they would hear me. Nothing. I was too far from them that they wouldn't hear anything. They wouldn't hear my screaming. They wouldn't hear me crying. The wouldn't hear anything from me.

The tree that I was aiming for was just seconds of my reach, maybe minutes. I didn't know because I couldn't think straight. All I knew right now, is that I was about to take my own life by slamming my car into that tree that would erase everything and anything. The memories I made here in the last two years, the friends I gained, the fights I encountered, the boyfriend I once had.

I thought about Kendall, and as much as I didn't want too, he's all that played in my head. "Stop it! Stop it!" I screamed again, but it was too late. My car smashed right into the front of the tree, my body slamming upwards.

I couldn't do anything about it now. It was all over.

Vote & Comment! This made my eyes start to water just while typing it.

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