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Passport ✔

Tickets ✔

Identity cards ✔

Visas ✔

Pujita ticked everything on her list at 6:34 am. She knew that they were on time. Last night, Shaan was so excited that he fell asleep with his sister while checking out the destinations, so much so he even borrowed a DSLR camera from his friend.

"Hey you two, wake up." She shook them after placing the mugs containing milk down. Shaan, out of habit got up while holding his arm out for the milk and drank it without any fuss. Now she looked over at Alia, who obviously was going to create a fuss.

Reaching out for her phone she was sure she hadn't heard her alarm ringing or better yet she hadn't snoozed it. She eyes went wide and she immediately got up.

"Mum it's 6:45!" She raised her voice yet remained a bit careful her Indian mother's temper. "I do not get up until 7 am normally."

"So? Now hurry up or we would be late." She handed her daughter the mug and started heading out.

"The flight isn't till 1 pm!" She shrieked.

"So? We can expect traffic or worst the roads could be closed and-"

"Leave it we'll get ready, ma." Shaan got off the bed and went to his own room. Alia made a face but went to her own bathroom as well.

Changing into a t-shirt dress with shorts underneath, she walked out without any shoes. Her family was already at the table eating breakfast which was light since they were pretty sure that it was going to be a long flight.

The next series of events were literally a blur. Everyone was excited and now waited in the lounge for the announcement to board the plane. Alia was sitting calmly and looking around whereas the other two were on their phones.

The announcement was soon made and that's when Alia noticed that the tickets were first class.

"Uh, Mummy?" Pujita looked back at her as they waited.

"That's us. We're in first class." She whispered while gesturing to the last calling first-class travellers.

Pujita looked mildly shocked but nonetheless took charge and walked ahead, leading her family into the plane. Alia looked at the seats that the mother and son had together and went to find hers. She was six seats away and she knew that she would have to get up to talk to them but at least she had the window seat.

Getting comfortable, she took out the book A walk to remember and enjoyed her alone time. Finally some peace and quiet with a good, comfy chair. She partially shocked that her mother had not asked her to sit with her mother, perhaps Pujita knew that her child was growing up and trusted her accordingly.


From shock, she hurriedly looked ahead at her mother who God knew how but was on her phone again. She looked at him and stammered a bit, thinking of what to say.

"W-what?" She whispered, shaking her head she cleared her throat, "what are you doing here?" She asked him in a more firm and no-nonsense voice.

"Why sitting in my seat, of course." He smiled cheekily while showing her the ticket as proof.

"Where are you going?" She questioned. Stupid question, Alia, stupid me.

"Bali, Duh. This flight is only going there." Arman made a face at that. Had she really asked him that?

"Yeah well I know that and also there are flights that land once or twice before the actual destination." Good defence.

"Huh," he said. Shifting back as the announcement for taking off was made he and Alia fastened their seat belts before leaning back. She looked at him and saw that his hand was coming for her private area. Making an attempt to hold his hand and shove away, she moved her hand ahead when he had already reached his destination and she felt the touch somewhere else. 

Her face flushed with embarrassment. 

He was checking her seatbelt. Pulling it, to see if it was secured or not. 

"Either," he whispered in her ear as she jumped from the warm air blown at her neck. "It's me or you're thinking of something very naughty right now." 

Widening her eyes, she squeaked, " It's you. Only. You." She held her gaze outside the window as the plane took to the clouds. She was already annoyed by his presence and there were still nine hours to go. What if they met in the hotel or on a beautiful destination and spoiled her view? 

"Did you think about it then?" He questioned softly, not allowing others to listen to their conversation. 

"About what?" Genuinely curious she finally looked at him from the clouds. 

"The confession I made to you. Would you give me a chance?" If anyone who knew Arman for a period more than Alia did, they would certainly conclude that Arman was pleading. 

"I didn't really get time to think about it," that was all I thought about, "so I can't really say." She gave him a little awkward smile at the end. 

Arman felt angry. Who was she to say no when he had asked for it. He knew he couldn't show the anger he felt for her here so he opted for something docile. 


"Think of it, it's dating but of course exclusive." Don't fucking think of cheating on me, ever. "We spend time with each other and work out the differences. Just like I said before, we'll work on what we don't like about each other and hope for a change. What say, two chances? Since I'm pretty sure I'll mess up the first one." He made a face at the last sentence knowing that it would be true. 

Alia laughed softly when he said about messing it up. She wasn't sure she could be in a relationship but dating was something she'd like to try a hand at and he seemed sincere so maybe there could be a chance for a potential relationship. 

"Okay," she smiled. "I think we can make it work." 

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