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Arman had wanted to see her react. He wanted a reaction and for that, he had deliberately provoked her and that's what she had done. She gave him a reaction.

“You really are something, aren’t you?” He chuckled at her looking like duck with puffed cheeks.

She huffed in return. “I am not something, to begin with.”

Arman barked out a laugh, amused by the sass she possessed. “You know, your father has an interesting history. The fact that he was a fucking fraud is just marvellous. He is in jail right? But you guys being his family are obligated to pay his debt.” Arman casually talked about her family like he was complimenting the weather. Alia was stunned to be honest. She had never expected this from him out of all the people she knew. He was someone she barely knew and it felt like he knew her all along.

Being overwhelmed, she merely whispered. “Why?”

Arman cocked his head to the side and looked at her. “Why or how? Are you off your game already? I did not even fucking begin and that is your reaction.” Arman was thoroughly enjoying her. Yet he wanted to save some for the last as well.

He rose up his arm and a waiter came to him. ”Pack the orders. We will take them to go.” Noding, the waiter left taking their ordered food along.

“Forget it,” he said. She looked up at him in anticipation of what he was about to say next.

"I want to know you first. You need to know me as much as I need to know you. That is necessary before the commitment that we will make to each other. What do you think?” He said. This decision was in his favour as she needed to know how she was supposed to act and behave.

No. Alia immediately thought, it was pretty obvious that now she did not want to be close to this guy.

But dating? What if I am able to convince him that we would not work out one way or the other? He will have to dump me, even if that’s publically I will be the happiest person of the century. She smiled, something already brewing in her mind.

“Okay, I think that would be good for both of us.” She answered him.

Arman smiled. Not cocky and not the devils smile but a genuine smile. He then spoke. “Great, then. Do you want to ask me any questions?”

“Yes actually, do you mind waiting?” she enquired.

“Who does not? Of course I do, unless it’s for a reason.”

She smiled her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Yes. No one likes waiting.”


“What is that suppose to mean?” Pujita asked, a perfectly made brow arose along.

“Exactly what I said. We will go and have some fun."

“But are you sure that it’s safe?” Worry and concern of her daughters security came into her mind and she could not stop thinking of the worst situations.

“Yes, you know we have gone there million times.” She replied and made her way to her room.

How in the world did he know about my father? If he did then, did he also know that her parents were divorced and her father was in jail? None of this made sense to her. Looking into someone’s past was not easy and took a lot of time but he had found out things about her in no time. She couldn’t even decipher what to think of it.


Sitting on his favourite chair, he nursed a drink kept on the bar counter. Scotch on the rocks, something he did when he was stressed. Alia was in his thoughts; the beautiful girl, who had captured his heart in no time. She was difficult, he had to agree to that but the question was for how long? She had to give in one day or the other and one thing he knew for sure was that it was going to be sooner than later. A slap on the back made him look on his side at person who did it. It was Zaigham who was smiling like an idiot. The bartender slipped a drink to Zaigham which he caught effortlessly.

“What are you smiling about?” Arman questioned him being completely irritated now.

Zaigham chuckled but answered anyway. “I made Shivani agree to be picked up and dropped by me easily.” Zaigham took a sip and continued.

Arman couldn’t help but laugh along. Zaigham and Arman both knew Shivani did not have much of a spine, they had expected her to give in easily and she did.

“Come on buddy, party is on me tonight.” Zaigham said and walked away. Arman laughed and threw back his head and drank all his scotch all at once and followed Zaigham into the crowd.

 Arman laughed and threw back his head and drank all his scotch all at once and followed Zaigham into the crowd

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