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Happy rakshabandhan! Here's your gift from me.

Alia felt herself being a woken by gentle shaking. When she finally opened her eyes, she found Laksha sitting on the edge of a bed and she finally took her hand off Alia's shoulder.

Alia realised that she had managed to fall asleep and like she had initially thought and since Laksha was here it was obvious that she knew and her husband must have told her.

"You know?" She whispered out in a croaky voice of the morning.

Laksha unfortunately nodded and the sullen expression on her face told Alia that she was not happy to hear about this. "He had to tell me about this child," she whispered, "I do understand that you all have set new boundaries than us of the previous generation but you must understand that if anyone else so you it would be both of you who would be tarnished."

Alia looked away and snuggled into the bed as she said, "I really did not think about any of that but I do not understand why Siddharth uncle yelled."

Laksha nodded and hummed. "It is just . . Something that happened in the past because of which Siddharth made sure that every male child of his would never touch any girl without her consent. And he did not stop there, he made sure to tell them that not to stay alone in a room with them."


Laksha smiled sadly, "because of the way the society works. Even though the girls image will be tarnished the boy would be automatically accused of doing something even if he did not have a hand in it. At times he doesn't and Siddharth knew that will his upbringing Armaan would never try anything like that which is why Siddharth taught him all that."

The words on the tip of the tongue to how Armaan had once behave with her but she your friend because after that he had made up for his behaviour. Also given the fact that he was the one who was paying for her brother's surgery she could not really point fingers.

But Alia had to praise his father for the thought.

"What do you think?" She asked the all the woman in front of her. "I did not mean it in any way that could harm either one of us."

"I know," Laksha winked. "We would have had no problem if you were talking in the morning with your door open. But never mind that no you focus on your recovery and then you will meet your brother. " She caressed Alia's hair. "Just don't repeat this and I will take care of Siddharth. Okay? "

Alia nodded.

Laksha stood up and patted Alia's shoulder. "Hurry up and get dressed. Make sure you avoid taking a head bath today." She pointer to the wound on Alia's head before leaving.

Alia sighed in front of the mirror. She was ready to go down but the nervousness crept into her heart. This was going to be so awkward.

Opening the door to her room she move out after closing it and walked downstairs to where the dining room was only to find the mother and son duo there.

"Good morning," she wished as soon as she entered the room.

"Good morning," both of them were applied and Laksha pushed the casserole towards her. "Here."

Alia took her share after she had taken a seat next to Armaan and started eating.
"You've met my mother in law, Jagriti Chaudhary, Siddharth has gone to pick her up from the airport."

"Oh good," she nodded and then mentally cringe in her mind hard. What were they going to tell to the old woman? Why was Alia staying with them? Because of Alia was staying with them when she was to be a guest and no one else. She could not stay here as Arman's girlfriend.

If the father had pretty orthodox thinking then she could only imagine what his mother would think.
After breakfast Armaan drove Alia to the the hospital where her brother was staying. Thankfully this time Advik was awake to meet her.

"Hi baba," she kissed his forehead. "You okay?"

He nodded but stayed at the wound on her head. "What happened to you? Did you fall down?"

Alia opened her mouth ready to lie when she heard, "she got hurt in an accident. Your sister is lucky that she was wearing the seat belt but she has bruised ribs along with the wound on the head that you can see."

Shaan gaped at her in horror. "what?"
Alia's lips thinned. She didn't want to say anything.

Arman continued, "it happened to write after she met you the last time for stop she was driving out of the hospital to the workplace and near the roundabout around the times, another ca—'

"Arman," Alia spoke up the pointed look to him. With Advik's expressions Alia no longer wanted this topic to continue. The boy looked like he could faint any moment now.

"Do you want water?" Aliya asked the boy in the bed while running her hand over his shoulder. He nodded and she moved to the table but found the water jug empty. "I'll be back in a minute or two." She told both of them before moving out of the room with the jug in her hand.

Shaan looked at Arman once she was gone. "What happened?"

Arman shrugged. "I told you. She had an accident while she she was driving to the office. I guess she got anxious but don't you worry I'm taking care of it now."

In that moment Alia came back and the conversation was over. Her brother was glad that Armaan was going to take care of his sister.

With the case on her brothers for her Armaan and Alia left only for someone else to enter behind them.

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