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Arman texted his buddies to tag along and get to know the new crowd. They came within a few moments and it was obvious that these bastards could not refuse to have fun like this. They walked up together to the boy's common room and Zaigham grabbed a boy's neck and spoke. "It's time to be a doorman, up and out." He in fear of his senior, frantically ran out and closed the door.

Arman sat down on one of the bean bags and scanned the whole area with Ishaan where as Zaigham enjoyed the attention.

"Okay new bees. Eyes up here." Zaigham's voice roared throughout the hall, sending shivers down the spines of people and then as if on cue a crowd of more seniors came from the back door. They smirked back and locked the door. Some of them grabbed the shirts of few new comers and pulled them out of their chairs and sat in the chairs, a few of them made the juniors sit down on floor next to them. Zaigham then again started speaking.

"You all know who we are and my advice will be stay away from what we want. Our girls, senior or not. We kick you, trouble you or do whatever the fuck we want, you do not think of going to the authorities and if revenge ever crosses your mind remember one thing we will shrike ten times harder. Clear crappies?"

"Yes sir." They all replied back.

"Although an example needs to be set, doesn't it?" Sahil said from within the crowd, earning laughs from all the seniors.

"Well then, what do you want to do?" Ishaan asked from the bean bag he was sitting on.

"A dip in the water."

"Blood and feathers."

"A trip to the dark room."

"Fitness marathon."

Different voices rang throughout the room. All sending shivers down the spines of the new comers. A suggestion came and everytime it earned laughs and chuckles from the others. It was quite visible that they all were scared shitless and that's when they all began to sweat with fear.

"That's it." Arman yelled. He's voice dared anyone to argue.

"Well then. Let's choose." Zaigham looked around to search for anyone in the crowd being unbiased about it. He then pointed towards a fair looking boy with a good, healthy built. He looked shocked thinking that they would have picked a weak skinny boy. He stood up slowly much to everyone's amusement.

"Well done. Shall we begin?"


"You do know that classes start from tomorrow, right?" Shivani asked Alia who was busy reading her horoscope.

"Hm?" she called out tilting her head a bit in her direction although not really taking her eyes off the screen. Shivani hissed in annoyance. She got up and snatched the phone out of her friend's hands. Alia was slow in processing what had actually happened. She blinked a bit and realised what had actually happened. She turned to her friend with rage clearly visible in her eyes. Shivani knew what was happening and she ran for her dear life. Alia followed her.

One turn to another. A corridor led to another. It was an endless chase. They were giggling in the end. Shivani turned back to see that Alia was gaining up on her, when she bumped into someone and her specs dangled into a weird angle. They were taken away from her when she straightened up and put back in place. And she was embarrassed to see that it was Zaigham. He seemed pretty happy by the looks of it.

Alia saw Shivani being bumped into Zaigham and she figured embarrassing her would be fun. She ran faster and planned to bump into her. A hand came by her waist and jerked her to a stop. She jumped a bit up in the air and halted. She looked at the owner of the hand to see it was Arman.

"You?" She asked pointing a finger at him.

He grinned and repeated the same action. "Me!"

Observing the fact that he awfully happy this time she decided to ask him what was the reason for it. "What are you so happy about?"

He frowned upon the question. "What kind of question is that? Can't I be happy?"

Alia had not expected that reply from him. She opened her mouth once again and had no comeback much to his amusement. He loved watching her and much to his shock he enjoyed her company and her eternal beauty. He saw Zaigham coming with Shivani while holding her hand. He smirked knowing his friend had taken a liking to her.

"Arman?" Zaigham called out. Receiving a nod in return he continued, "Running in the halls isn't allowed right?" Arman nodded understanding what he meant and where he was getting at. "Well then this calls for a punishment."

"Sure does, my friend." He agreed.

"Which party have you selected to be in? have you girls even decided?" he asked waiting to be answered.

"Yes, we have." Shivani answered not being able to look away from his eyes.

Alia frowned, they had not discussed this. In fact, that topic was not even remotely touched. You nasty lil lying bitych.

"We have?" Alia asked her, looking through the corner of her eyes.

"uh-huh. I was thinking about yours actually." She replied looking at him who seemed to be happy. In reality she had no idea how happy he was. He pleased him immensely that she had decided their group to belong to or more likely to him. Arman seemed content too; this meant that they could eyes on their girls and have them with them when they weren't attending classes. Perfect, that's what this was.

"Good. That's very good. Now as punishment you could help us and let's spilt up. Alia with me and Shivani with Zaigham. Okay, any problems?" Arman stated and asked for any disagreements. Alia was about to speak when he pinched her waist making her yelp and drawing attention from the other two people who were on their way to leave.

"Alia, you okay?" Shivani asked not knowing why she yelped.

"Of course, she is. Let's get to work people." Nodding his head, Zaigham and Shivani went away. He looked at Alia who was glaring at him.

"You pinched me!" She accused him, pointing her finger at him.

"I did," He admitted. "and I will do it again." He teased, pinching her gain. She yelped and started running again. He laughed and ran after her.

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