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Alia glanced at her hands. The mehendi (henna) was being applied on her hands by two different girls on each side. The designs for beautiful. She never thought that mehndi could look this good on her hands.

Even though Alia knew that she could get the heaviest design of them all, she had still settled with some thing simple. To be honest the simple design looks beautiful on her hands than the ones that every lady was getting. Instead of having her hands and arms full of henna she settled on small designs even on her feet.

"They look so beautiful," Laksha gushed. She looked beautiful in the saree she wore.

"Thank you," Alia said to one of the girls and they giggled. Alia turned to Laksha, "Where is my brother?" She whispered to her. She turned her eyes around the establishment and still could not find her brother.

"Advik is with the guys Alia," Laksha answered, "they are all in the basement file we are here. This is supposed to be a ceremony for just us girls." 

The girls? It was only a forth of them that were girls and other women had wrinkles over their face and by the eyes they were so shrewd that Alia did not know who it was in the world that could not fear these women.

Alia nodded. Arman would take care of her brother and she knew that Ziagham would too. Alia knew that it was not just one kiss that would destroy the friendship they had built over years.

The Mehendi (Henna) looked very beautiful with the designs made carefully and that was built over with practise. Alia knew this was something she could never do in her life.

Armaan cousin's had prepared dances and so had her friends. Alia could not believe that her friends were here and that they were dancing the prepared performances. This was a surprise that she had received completely unexpectedly.

"Alia?" Shushmita Goyal, daughter of Armaan's grandfather's younger brother who she was yet to met sat behind her, "how are you doing? Shall I order some drink for you?"

Alia shook her head, "No, thank you very much." Laksha occasionally brought water and juice to Alia but the latter knew that if she took too much of liquid she would have to go to the washroom and at the moment that was not the best idea.

"Feet?" The girl on her left asked. "Where should we start from?" She was referring to the length of the Mehendi that Alia wanted to go for.

"Hardly above the ankle," Alia Answered her. She did not want any e over the top designs and the mehndi that was reaching her elbows was just fine. She couldn't do anymore.

"Really?" Shushmita chuckled. "The girls love to go to their knees and to their upper arms. Why are you not doing that Alia?" Shushmita titled her head, "Are you not happy with the marriage?"

Alia's eyes bulged out at the unexpected question. Where did that come from?! Where did that come in the mind of this woman from?!

"No!" Alia said firmly, "why would you think that? Are you not happy?" She retorted by without any remorse or fear.

Shushmita gasped, "what manner of talking to you have?!"

Alia glared at the woman and that had effectively attracted the attention of Jagriti Chaudhari. "What is happening here? Shushmita?"

"Auntie," shusmita turned to her, "she has no way of talking. Are you sure that is if someone you want to make your granddaughter in law?"

Jagriti's eyes turned to Alia in an instant, "explain, girl."

"Just because I did not want the mehndi to be applied to my ankles or to my upper arms, she made the claims of meeting not happy with the marriage. I merely erased her doubts." Alia shrugged since her hands were free. "I think she's not happy with it."

Jagriti's eyes sharpened and moved to the accused. "Is it now?" She hissed at her niece who shook her head. "Go then, I don't want any kind of problems for my grandson's wedding."

Shushmita walked out within seconds and her seat was replaced by Jagriti. "How are you kid? I can't say that there won't be more but I can say that I am impressed. However, you learn to be diplomatic." Jagriti patted her back before moving away.

Alia stared at her back. Wow, so she was getting nothing? No chiding at all?

Alia moved her eyes back to everyone. This was going to be fun.


Alia huffed slightly. The henna had dried up and it also has started to crack in between.

"You look tired," Alia turned around to find Arman leaning on the door of his room. "Is everything alright?"

She chuckled and walked closer. "I just sad in in one place for hours, Armaan. What do you think has happened?"

A heavy feeling settled in her chest making it difficult for her to smiled at him.

"If it's that ass paining then I can massage it. I can tell you I am a very good masseur." He winked cracking her up.

Alia laughed shaking her head lightly. "Why, thank you for the offer but I will have to rightfully decline."

Arman nodded as his eyes went to the Mehendi, "Show?"

She nodded and raised up her hands. Even in the dim light of the hallway Armaan seems to be taking every inch of the designs on her skin perplexed by all of it yet mesmerised.

Aliya felt guilt going down in her chest as she looked at him. An unlikely feeling that she was supposed to get tonight but she knew where it was coming from. No matter what went down in between them maybe this would change everything.

"I kissed Zaigham, Arman." She revealed.

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