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"What are you doing here?" She asked as she kept her bag on the table looking down at his seated form where she, for the first time, was able to tower him in height.

He gave no expressions as he answered her back. "Why? I can't be here?"

She scoffed. "No, someone who graduated 2 years ago is not supposed to be here after college hours."

He smiled looking impressed and then spoke the truth. "I came to meet you after you have been ignoring me day and night and not even looking at my messages."

She folded her arms and Arman new that an argument was coming their way but this time he wasn't going to back down as well. If he wanted her then he was getting her.

"So? I didn't want to see them so I did not see them." She said with a smile on her face.

"Do I look like a joke to you?-"

"How did you know I was here?" She asked him instead interrupting him in between. "There is no way that Shreya could have told you that as she is on a leave for 3 days and none of the boys like to gossip. If you tell me that I should be here at its college day then it is today that my mother was supposed to return and I told you that I would take a leave and spend the whole day with her." She explained her reasoning before asking him again. "Now tell me, how did you know that I was in college today? Especially in the library because in this big ass college it should have taken you hours before finding where I was and you seem pretty relaxed as if you knew where I was."

He tilted his head to the side and stared at her observing her body language making her become more conscious of herself and take a step back.

He stood up and took a step forward easily towering over her once again. He placed his hand behind his back and stared down at her. "Why so curious Alia? As your boyfriend should I not know where you are at all times?"

Her forehead creased into a little frown as she heard his words. Did he even know what he was talking about? "I suppose you should, but only when I inform you about it and if I haven't then you should no idea about where I am." She retorted back without any fear.

He stepped closer and closer making her take a step back every time he took one forward and eventually leaning against a book stack.

She leaned to the side ready to duck but he immediately put his hands on either side of her head and leaned down to have his face right in front of hers.

This amount of proximity didn't help but made her blush intensely.

"Arman get aw-"

"I don't think so." He cut her off. "I don't think so that you should not inform me about where you going. I believe in knowing where you are going and where you are at all times."

A spark of anger came erupted inside her and she retorted back immediately, "and why do you think so?"

He smirked and tilted his head slightly. The action made him look hotter and devilish than ever but scary too.

He whispered looking into her eyes, "I think so because I love you."

"Loving me does not give you the right to know everything about me. There is a concept of personal space and choice where when I want to tell you something I choose to do so."

"I don't think so." He tsked instead.

She snickered. "Do I look like I care about what you think?"

"You should." He answered for her tapping her temple. "Because as far as I know I can go to the depths of hell for you and make you mine."

"Open the door." She whispered instead.

He smirked and whistled. A loud voice came and the door opened.

"Arman, how did you know that I was here. Answer me honestly." She went back to the first question with more confidence as the door had opened.

"I have people."

"People what?" She asked and her eyes widened as she realised what that meant. "You have people watching over me?! In college, what the hell for?!" She yelled. Armaan had done pretty shocking things in the two-year course of them dating but this one came off as something dangerously unhealthy. How had she not noticed anytime soon?

He shrugged as if the matter did not make much of an issue to him. "Because I care for you."

"Your care cannot possibly come with having people stalk me!" She shook her head slightly still unable to wrap her head around the whole ordeal. "Why do you even have people watching over me anyway?"

"Because I want to make sure that no one is messing with what is mine." He spoke in all seriousness and his expressions took a turn once again.

This was when Aliya figured out that when his expressions changed to calculating and cold it meant that he was dead serious about the matter. "You will never tell me if anyone was bothering you just like that guy Vaibhav was from 2 years before and Zaigham had to handle him." He reminded her.

"Zaigham.." she tried to remember and when she did, she didn't want of the possibility. "I understand that Vaibhav was bothering me but he also understood. So why haven't I seen him after that day?"

He smiled all so innocently. "He was an example."

A shill came through her.

A bad and scary chill enough that she knew what to do now.

She slapped his arm off aggressively and took her bag, wore it again on her shoulders. "Then let this be an example and the reason to why I am dumping your ass." She stared into his eyes hard and then walked away.

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