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Alia felt a headache coming her way already. The reports were not good for stock they had to hurry up the operation. Shaan's reports should then repeated internal bleeding which is why doctors had decided to go in as early as tomorrow which was only 12 hours away. Shaan was going to be the first person to be operated on tomorrow.

Damn, the problems never tried to seize themselves. They grabbed onto every opportunity they could find.

She gulped. She could no longer sleep. Her phone vibrated on the side and Alia looked over only for her eyes to widen for a quick second before picking up the call.

"Shaan?" She called out hesitantly half expecting the nurses to call her.

"What if I die?"

"What?" Alia spat. "What did you just say?"

"I said, what if I die?" He repeated. "What would you do if I died?"

She gulped and chuckled softly, "but you want die baba. I will make sure of it."

She heard his groan. "You do not know that sister. You do not know what could go wrong in surgery or even after that. I want to know what would happen to you if I die?"

"Would you stop saying that!" Alia snapped at him having enough of him saying that. "Say that one more time and I will drive down there too smack you with my slipper."

He was quiet for a few seconds and just when Alia decided to speak up to check if he was there or not she heard, "what will you do if I pass into the afterlife?"

"ADVIK AHUJA!" She yelled in frustration. "What is wrong with you? Who put this shit in your brain?"

"No one," he said, "I just want you to have someone after I am gone. I was there when mum died and you had me which kept you going and just speaking, perchance, if anything happen to me I want you to hang on to someone."

"But nothing will happen to you," she whispered out, "nothing baba."

"You don't know that." He said again and it broke her heart. "I really wish I did not have to say that but you know that this concerns the brain and I don't know if everything will go right to not. I need to know what will happen to you. "

Alia remained quiet. She was not answering such a question. The possibility of thinking about what happening a loan broke her heart.

"You love brother Armaan, don't you?" Hearing his words Alia almost frowned, "if he proposes to you would marry him right?"

"Shaan, be honest with me, did he say something to you?" She whispered harini into the phone for stop there was a possibility that Armaan might have put this in his brain even though Alia refused to believe it. Armaan would never do that but then who could put such an idea in her brother's head?

"No," Shaan answered and she sighed in relief, "but you two are back together which is why I just wanted to know."

Alia licked her lower lip. "I can't say for the future of any relationship but yes, if he proposes I don't think I would have a negative answer to that."

"Would you propose him?"

Alia's eyes bulged out. "What?" She spat.

"Yeah," Shaan replied, "you could do that as you support feminism."

"Feminism does not do anything here. I need to see if I have a future with him or not." Alia countered. " What is it will you asking me such questions? Who has talk to you about this? "

"No one." She heard him say. " It's just you are spending a shitload of money for me e and if I pass away then it will all go in vain and the loan you have taken would be with you forever."

Alia winced. Her brother still did not know about the fact that she had been fired. She could not believe that either as she was told this morning but there was nothing she could do about it now as they had paid her three months of salary in advance for letting her go along with a good recommendation letter.

She bit her lip nervously. What was she to say to him when she was not certain about things herself? "Baba, you don't worry about such things. I will see what I have to do. You just focus on yourself. "

"I want you to do that to you." He said and Alia found when she heard some kind of commotion. She knew that this was not from her side which is why she was only assuming that it was from his.

"Is something happening in the parking lot? Are you not in your room right now?" She asked in a slightly panicked hurry. "Aadvik where are you right now?" She said in a firm and motherly voice, now scared.

"At the top floor," she heard him crying softly, "I do not want to burden you, sister. I would never do that to you. I will never walk away while you are burdened with everything after I pass away. I will never leave that to chance . . . ."

At first Alia remained where she was as she heard him say the dreadful words before she finally snapped into action. She stood up from the chair and ran outside her room towards Armaan's.

She banged on the door like a maniac repeatedly and louder each time not caring if her hand started to hurt. "Hold on baby, hold on." She whispered to him.

Arman finally opened the door, slightly irritated and more furious on whom it was until he looked at her. "Advik." She whispered and within moments Arman sprang into action.

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