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Alia kept this plate of food that she had made for her brother in front of him before taking the seat she had previously occupied.

The atmosphere of the breakfast had been previously very easy going. At the moment, it was tense. Arman was focusing on his food and so was her brother but we did not escape her attention that they only became quiet when she entered the dining room. They had been talking before, but stopped as soon as she came.

It did not matter to Alia. She was over them. Her mood was already ruined for the day. So she did not even bother with eating breakfast like she usually had. Just a few bites and she was done.

Excusing herself, she let the servant take away the plate and left to go to her room that she shared with Armaan.

Taking her phone away from the charge, she sat on the bed to scroll through Instagram when the door closed, and she became aware of his presence.

"What was that?"

Without lifting her eyes from the phone, she asked, "what was what?"

"Alia, keep the phone down."  he stopped in front of her. "Now."

Turning the screen off, she placed the phone next to her before looking up right into his eyes. "What is this about?"

"What did Advik do to make you behave like that on the dining table?" Armaan asked, his hands in his pockets, as he stood in front of her, holding this conversation.


"Don't say nothing. Tell me the reason, Alia."

"Why don't you tell me why you were so bothered by my brother? He's my brother. You don't have to be so concerned with him or what goes on between me and him."

His expression changed and it was not one of happiness. It became dark which let her know that he did not like what she said.

Arman smiled but it only looked like he was stretching his lips for the sake of it. "He is my brother-in-law, but someone I am treating as my brother because of the fucking love I have for you. Any family member of yours that you care about is a family member I care about. Which makes me ask, what the fuck did you behave like that with him early in the morning when he had done nothing?"

She huffed. How long could she even continue with this? He was persistent, very persistent, and he would continue to ask the same question until she answered.

"With you, it's like he has completely forgotten me." She revealed. "I don't get good morning, I don't get good night. I don't even get a 'hello, how are you?' I don't get anything!"

Alia got up from the bed and took a step away from him before pacing the room as she continued talking.

"It is like he has completely forgotten me and I'm-I'm not okay with that. I do love the fact that my brother has someone else in this world, you by his side if I am ever not available but that does not mean that I get completely ignored by him. I want to talk to my brother like I did before but you get that more than I do!"

After a little bit more babbling, she stopped with her hands on her waist and turned to him. "Does any of it makes sense?!"

Armaan raised an eyebrow. "Your possessiveness and jealousy? Sure."
Alia sighed. "If you put it like that, then of course, it does not."

He chuckled before crossing the distance in between them. Armaan placed his hands over her shoulders. " I am an only child, so the feeling you feel is unknown to me. However, I'm quite familiar with jealousy and possessiveness, so I can't tell you they're completely wrong. I am taking a place in his life that you had the entire time so it's not true for you to feel that."

He leaned in and kissed her lips once  before doing the same again. "Talk to him and don't pull back. He comes to me because he likes that we have the same interest. There is nothing more to our equation."

It was not going to be that simple. But Alia did not tell him that. Perhaps it was something she would have to work out with her brother alone, even though it was going to be extremely difficult.

Advik and her were not in a relationship with communication was an important aspect. Siblings did not communicate, period. And even if she tried, it was going to be a girly thing that she did and he just agreed with.

As she said before, it is extremely difficult.
"Okay," she nodded as she agreed, but it was mainly to get him off her back.

"Alright." he said back, keeping his eyes on his face for a few more seconds, before taking a step back and allowing his hands to follow his side. "I have to go now."

"Now?" Damn, "well if you're leaving, but what do I do all day?"

He frowned. "The same you do every day when I leave."

"I do nothing." She shrugged. "So, can I come with you?" Alia watched as he went around the room to get everything he needed to go before coming to a stop in front of her.

He pecked her forehead, just like you did every morning. "Do you mind if we talk about this when I get back?"

Well, could I? "No, not at all." She smiled before stepping back as he left the room.
Just as he left and was no longer visible, she turned and twirled around the room. Another day where she had to scout for something to do.

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