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She released a loud sigh of relief when Armaan finally left the house. Something has changed in the past week because in now all she did was have wild sex.

Wild, being the key word.

He didn't stop, did not really listen and when she felt tired, with the help of his magical hands, he would take the exhaustion away leaving her with  nothing but pleasure.

Now that he was gone, Alia could rest and this was what was happening before their honeymoon.

That was something they were supposed to go to next week or so when Armaan would finally have some work load of his shoulders since he had taken a long leave of absence for their marriage.

Her eyes drifted over to where her phone was kept and she reached over to grab it. Her account on the job searching site told her about the new positions that would be good when it came to her experience.

How was it that whenever she went to talk to him, they would always end up talking about something else?

Sometimes she would not even know how she got distracted from the topic and it was after sometime maybe an hour or so, that she would finally remember to talk about it. Her memory was getting worse at this point.

"Madam," A maid knocked on the door and Alia looked up, " The mistress is calling for you."

Understanding that laksha had called for her, alia nodded And got up immediately only a standstill on her wobbly legs. It was difficult to walk in them especially after a night with Armaan.

Slowly, she started to walked again and followed the maid out only to come to the room of her parents in laws.

"Hey," Alia smiled at laksha, "you called for me?"

Laksha nodded and patted the space on the bed beside her. "Come sit." She invited Alia who plopped down on the bed, making it bounce lightly.

"Look at these," Laksha placed a box in her lap, "I had this made for you years ago but did not find the opportunity to hand-it over. I just remembered about them last night and thought of giving them to you."

With a smile, she urged, "go on, open it."

Alia looked at the box on her lap before nodding and opened the lid. Her eyes remained on the set of earrings inside before she turned to look at laksha.

"Well," Laksha gulped, " I would understand if you say that your preferences changed over the years but I had observed your choices to be a little minimalistic when it came to jewellery and I thought of this as something you could wear daily."

For a moment, just to confirm her words, Alia looked down at the earrings. Her preference had not really changed over the years and these perfect to wear on a daily basis so Laksha had nothing to worry about.

"These are perfect," she revealed with a smile. "Honestly, These are very pretty. In fact—" Alia reached over and took off her earrings before replacing them with the ones that she had been gifted.

"See?" She twisted her side to side so that her mother in law could see. "Perfect, no?"

"Yes," Laksha sighed in relief. " I want to do this but I was told that young girls of this generation do not like simple jewellery. I know you did, maybe I should have done this sooner."

Alia tsked, "naah, its good. It's perfect enough for me to wear it on a daily basis." The best benefit was that it was going to match every outfit she had.

"Alright then," Laksha smiled and nodded to herself, "why don't you tell me what you would like to have for dinner? We could have your favourite dish or sweet dish or both, if you want?"

Alia scoffed in reply. "grandmother took almost everything what I like. Did she really have to take almost all of the Mong Dal Halwa?"

"Oh that," Laksha laughed, "don't you worry, I will make more of that tonight. With that sad, I have to get going and start cooking."

Her mother-in-law without a word, got up and left the room but not before patting her shoulder.

Alia touched the earrings subconsciously before she smiled to herself and got up. Some moments were truly worth it and this was one of them.

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