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"Are you sure?" She whispered and he he said the words of confirmation taking her heart with him. This soon Hung up the call after he gave the details about her brother's accident to her.

It was her brother. The officer had time and again confirmed every detail belonging to her brother from the moment that he had his visa done to where he studied and stayed.

"Yes ma'am," the nurse took over and Alia felt her heart drop. It was real. It was all very real.

"H-how is he?" She whimpered, "easy going to make it? I am going to take the first flight over there but p-please keep them safe and s-sound until then." Her hands tremble dangerously. She still had to keep control. Alia could not panic knowing that if she did she would not be able to carry out the conversation.

"Ma'am, please try to come down." The nurse replied in a cool and calming tone. She was probably used to hysterical people all the time given her area of field. "Mr. Ahuja has suffered from injuries but none of them are fatal. The he does require immediate medical attention which we have given him there has to be a surgery done related to neurology and which can be best explained in person. We would prefer you to come here as soon as possible."

The conversation continued and in the end earlier had given them her number along with their email address so that they could communicate to her without any barriers.

She needed to go there but that was not her main concern. The concern was she would have to pay for the health care since they were not citizens there or even if she had to bring him back which would need medical attention throughout the flight. Both the options require the kind of money she did not have.

Everything that their mother had left her gone immediately to the housing facilities and the and everything to change education. She had nothing left for her self by making sure that he had every fund he needed while living outside the country and now they were in dire need of huge amounts.

"Shit," she whispered as she pulled her hair. "How?" She whispered to herself. This was going to be extremely hard.

They had no relative's that could help them in this situation without becoming vultures. Also none of them would give them probably tens of lakhs for the operation that they needed. None of them would come up and take responsibility.

She was alone and for the first time I did not feel like a blessing but a curse. For the first time it felt like a weight over her shoulders which she knew was going to burry her into the ground.


She closed the diary. She has checked all of a bank accounts before she had booked herself a ticket for Canada but whatever she had was not even accumulating to 10 lakh rupees in total and she knew that he needed more than that. Her puppy whined.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck . . . ." She recited back and forth as she found no way other than getting a loan but with her salary they were not going to give her more than a 50 which was something that she was only hoping for.

Random thought came to her mind and she still did. Perhaps this was the only chance that she had for saving her brother but it was worth it. She could take one favour.

"But what if?" That was always thought that would come to her mind. There was only one way to find out and if she played a gamble along with the grace of God if it turned out that he was there then she would go ahead and ask for help.

God, Please, she prayed closing her eyes as she opened then stepped forward to the door by grabbing her car keys and her mobile on the way. Please be with me.

Parking car in the familiar parking space was about every day, she got out of the car and locked it. The building was abandoned and she could see The Watchmen looking at her and then whispering something into the phone. What was he saying? Was talking about her?

She entered the lift which was on the ground floor already. Tapping her foot against the the floor heart pounded anxiously as she waited for the top floor's entrance.

It did and she looked at the door. Closing her eyes scimitar a prayer and then took a step forward. It was common knowledge that the CEO often left office around 7 p.m. in the evening and it was still 6.

She knocked on the door before stepping back and standing there, watching it like an idiot. Zaigham and her aunty had time and again mention that Armaan had maintained shadow of protection over her while she was in Delhi. So it was obvious that now when she wanted a direct source of protection he was the only one that she could go to, also he was the only one who she knew had that much of money.

Sorry, not sorry.

"Alia?" Arman said as soon as he opened the door. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he asked, "what are you doing here?"

Without waiting and beating around the bush directly said what she wanted.

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