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She had a smile on her face as the exams of the first semester were over and she had a break of two days from college. The teachers usually didn't teach for the first few days as they had to go through new books which were recommended to the students and also transfer the data and a lot of work which Alia had very generously stopped listening too.

Today, Shivani was leaving and Alia was going to see her off at her house which was the reason why she was ready at six am in the morning.
She left her house and drove to Shivani's housing which was in apartments. Parking she scooter she tucked her helmet in the trunk and boarded the lift.

"Hi!" Shivani hugged her as soon as she opened the door.

"All set?" Alia asked as she broke the hug by pulling apart. "Please don't ask for my help. I cannot pack." She groaned.

"Don't I know it?" Shivani shook her head giggling. "No everything's done. Auntie helped me a lot last night and packed everything."

Alia nodded and looked around. Everything had been packed and whatever was left was going to the next owner.

"So nothing left now..." she muttered looking around for everything that had a memory attached to it being packed away.

"Nope! All's packed and ready to go!" Shivani excitedly chirped not understanding what Alia meant.

"All right then." She pulled her friend close once more. "Have an amazing and blessed life." She wished from the bottom of her heart. "Keep calling me yeah?"

Shivani sniffed and nodded against her shoulder.

The separation which they had ignored had come to reality.


"And you didn't cry?" Arman cooed as he pulled her close to his side by her shoulder. "Baby, you'll miss her."

"I did cry and I will miss her." She agreed. "But I made my peace with it a long ago. She has to go, everyone has to, doesn't me I start wallowing for everybody." She shrugged. "I grieved my share."

His lips thinned. She was coping up the wrong way and was bottling them up. "Are you sure?" He asked once again. "It's not good to bottle them up."

She barked a laugh. "No, no, no. No one's bottling them up. I just made my peace with it. Sure for my family and close friends, I would grieve longer but she is there for me, virtually if I have to say it, but she is there to talk, about forever then again people always leave us. No one is constant except change."

Pride flooded his chest and he pecked her forehead. "And you Shivani was the brainy one. My girl's the real gem." He teased making her laugh too. "Anyway, how's everything at home?"

"Good, well for me. Can't say so for Shaan. He had a low score."


"Unit tests. My mother is giving him a tough time." She laughed a bit at the memory but didn't tell him. She wasn't going to reveal everything happening in her house.

"How about we go out for lunch today?" He smiled looking at her. "It's been a long time since we ate out."
"Cuz' we have been eating in the college canteen daily." She deadpanned. "Really? Why though?"

He sighed, "you are boring."

"Yes." She nodded. "I am." She grinned.

The waiter announced for Alia's sandwiches and Alia nodded. Arman took the opportunity and went ahead to take it.

"Hi." Alia looked up and smiled immediately.
"Hello, Vaibhav." She greeted back.

"I needed your number note-i mean your number for notes." He stammered a bit but went back on track.

Alia smiled and denied politely. "We follow each other on Instagram. You can text me there for whatever you need." She smiled. "Plus, we can't just take everyone's number for something we need." She shrugged.

"No I mean, but I would like to talk to you."

She wanted to roll her eyes by now. Shouldn't he get the hint?

If she would straight out deny him then his male ego would be hurt and if she polity did it, his actions would remain persistent to the point where she, once again, would have to deny him with hostility.

"And we can do that on Facebook or Instagram. Vaibhav, I am not going to give you my number for something that you don't need it for."

"But it's just your number!" He argued. "You could give it to anyone."

Alia chuckled at the audacity, "On the contrary, I don't give it to just anyone. Also lets not just talk anymore." She said in a firm voice indicating that she was offended and now they friendship was over.

"Okay, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Offend me?" She chuckled, "Oh no, I am just making sure that my number does not end up on a wall of a random stall in the boy's washroom." She smiled, "and I mean that let's not talking anymore we have 25 girls in a class and surely you can talk to them and ask for their number."


"Move," a harsh had Alia looking up. "You heard what she said, respect it and get out."

Vaibhav looked conflicted. He knew who he was talking to but the urge to continuing talking did not diminish as well. He was desperate.

"Okay, I will." He got up immediately. "But just not our friendship-"

"What in the world makes you think that you are a friend she would call when she is in trouble? You are a batchmate, stay a fucking batch mate."

Vaibhav turned to Alia but she jumped at the chance. "I don't think anyone could make it more clear."

Vaibhav looked way angrier then the time when earlier when Alia had turned down his request. He nodded and left.

Alis sighed watching his back disappear into the crowd and tinted to the person who helped her.

"Thank you Zaigham." She said with a smile.

He took a seat and watched her smile. "Anytime." He winked.

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