•Chapter 6

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≈Miami, FL...

(5:00 p.m)

Kalvin's eyes and mouth opened wide. He was shocked and wasn't expecting her to tell him that. Was it reality ? Was is a joke ? It couldn't be true ! He didn't want to believe it. A baby ? Hell no ! He thought children were cute and adorable, but didn't want any, yet. He was still young and thought that he had time until that day comes. He thought it will happen in a few years, not now. He wanted to run, but something was stopping him. He was stunned and couldn't say a word. He was going to be a father. A damn father. No, he wasn't ready. Definitely not.

"What...Did...You...Say ? " He asked slowly.

Cora cleared her throat, "Uh...I'm pregnant."

"And...You're telling me that...because..." He had hope. Maybe she just wanted to share that with him as a friend. Yeah, maybe it was that. He was praying for it.

"Because it's...your baby." She said the words he didn't want to hear. At this moment, he wanted to cry and scream. He looked at her observing her face carefully. He was trying to see if she was lying. His father always told him that you can learn a lot about a person with the body language. She didn't look like the type to lie to a man about a pregnancy to have money. No, she wasn't a groupie. Her eyes were fixed on him like she was waiting for him to say something. He stared at her for others five minutes and concluded that she was telling him the truth and only the truth. But he still couldn't believe it. He wanted this day to be a dream. Just a damn dream. Not reality.


Cora expected another reaction. She didn't know how to feel right now. She thought that he was going to yell at her or call her out of her name. She thought that he was going to be angry. But he was calm, really calm, too much. She couldn't see a specific emotion on his face. His expression was...she couldn't tell. His eyes were empty. He wasn't smiling or frowning.

They continued their lunch date in silence. Kalvin was avoiding eye contact and Cora was nervous. It seemed like he was going to explode at any time.

After the appetizer, they pursued with entry and then the principal meal and not even a hour later, they were at the dessert. This silence was going to kill Cora. She needed him to say something. She needed to know how he felt about this. Maybe he was thinking about an excuse to tell her to deny. Cora was getting herself ready for all type of disappointment. She wasn't crazy, she knew how dudes were nowadays. They can hurt your feelings in less than one minute and won't regret it one bit. She knew they were not all like it, but she wasn't really lucky with men. No illusion, she knew how tough life can be.

She took the last bit of her chocolate cake and put the fork on the plate. She looked up at him and he was still doing like she hadn't tell him that she was carrying his child. Her heart was heavy and she felt like she was about to pass out. She wanted him to talk.

Kalvin was in deep thoughts. How was he going to tell this to his mother ? That's not how she raised him and his brother. She always told them, marriage before kids. It was their motto. They could do anything they wanted, have a different female every day if that's what it makes them happy during their young years, but NEVER forget the protection. To do short, it was no baby out of wedlock. Yeah, she was allowing them to fuck them all, but actually only the good ones, the potential wives. The woman of his life was going to kill him. That's it. He may be an adult, but his mother was making sure to still have a big impact in his life. He was free, but not really. Sometimes, he felt like he was still a teenager in high school.

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