C h a p t e r 40

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- this is sh!t I'm sorry :-/
Anyway... Try to enjoy? Haha :-3 -

~chapter 40~

I could feel my legs and arms shake as I stood up. The heat inside of me becoming more and more difficult to contain and I felt as if I was about to faint or vomit or something worse.

I put my head into my hands as the burning increased and spread and ate me away and it felt as if I were being dipped into lava, one limb at a time.

My heart was pulsing in my ears and I could see my chest moving up and down and up and down.

The oxygen I was breathing in was warm and every breath out was hot. My insides felt as if they were on fire.

The climax of the burning and fire and pulsing and everything horrible that was happening to me was let go all of a sudden. I spread my arms wide but kept my head down low as I released the burning tornado which was built up inside of me, causing everyone who surrounded me to be pushed back and burnt harshly.

Then I realised that by doing that, by letting go of my built up powers, had caused EVERYONE to be pushed back and burnt.

That meant Luke, too.

I lifted my head quickly, looking from side to side, searching for a head of blonde hair.

"Luke?" I whimpered, a tear escaping my eye which I quickly wiped away with the back of my trembling hand.

"Luke?" I asked again, only slightly louder. I let out a shaky breath as my eyes wondered up a limp body.

The dark shoes, the dirty, black jeans, the black t-shirt which now had multiple burn holes in.

I let out another shaky breath as I bent down next to him, placing my hand on his heart and the other behind his head.

He looked so peaceful with his eyes shut and his lips slightly parted.

I traced my hand down his once pale cheek. Now it was red and burnt and bleeding, along with the corner of his mouth which had been torn upwards. But he still looked beautiful.

A tear escaped my eye as I held back my screams. I looked up with my hand still on his heart, feeling the warm tears escape my eyes and the saltiness enter my mouth.

"Please," I whispered to nobody; anybody, "please, please, please."

I let out a choky sob and placed my hand over my mouth, falling forwards.

"Please!" I cried out, my head was now on his chest. If anything it made me cry more.

There was no heart beat. No sound to hear. No pulsing. Nothing.

"Please!" I shouted, looking up and licking the tears away from around my lips, "somebody!"

I placed my face in my hands and continued to let the warm, salty sadness to escape me.

"Violet!" A voice shouted.

I tore my sticky, tear-stained face from my hands and looked around the dead silent room.

"Ash!" I stood up, tears still slipping, "Ashton!"

"Vi!" He said, rushing over and engulfing me in a hug.

I pushed him away.

"Ash!" I whimpered, letting out a sob as I pointed at Luke who was still lying lifeless on the floor.

He skidded down onto his knees next to Luke.

"Please, Ashton." I said, pushing the hair away from my damp face.

"I don't know what to do, Violet." He whispered, his voice laced with concern and sadness and something I couldn't quite grasp.

"But you have to!" I shouted, "you have to help!" I stumbled next to him and placed both of my hands on Luke's chest and began pumping.

Up, down, up, down. <this sounds really wrong, k bye>

"Violet, it won't work!" Ashton said, ripping my hands away from Luke's steady chest.

"At least I'm trying!" I shouted, tears falling again, "you're just sitting there!"

I was angry with him now. Why was he not helping?

"Sssssssh, Violet, ssssssh." He said.

He then grabbed both of my hands and looked straight into my brown eyes.

"Do you want to know what happens to a demon when it dies?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. He then reached toward my face and wiped away the sadness and guilt and everything terrible before saying,

"They turn into angels."



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