C h a p t e r 13

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~chapter 13~


Turning into Calum's driveway seemed like a regular thing now.

He was always the person I went to.

I walked up to his green front door and knocked three times.

I waited. And I waited.

I pushed the door a bit and realised that it wasn't even fully closed.

Something was wrong. Well obviously, Violet.

I stepped into his hallway and shut the door behind me.

"Calum!" I shouted walking into the living room.


Stepping back into the hallway I crossed to the kitchen.


Upstairs, maybe?

I dragged myself upstairs and turned to the left, the way toward Calum's bedroom.

His house was so silent and so was his room. Every time I visited, his mother or sister would answer the door and I would walk to Calum's room to find him fiddling with CD's and making new playlists on his phone or playing his base guitar.

But it was silent. And it felt weird.

"Calum?" My voice was a whisper.

"Calum..?" I stretched out his name, and said it slightly louder than before.

I sat on his bed and decided I would wait until he got home.

I flopped back so that my head was on his pillow. I felt something hard.

I lifted up the pillow and underneath was a leather journal, paper and leaflets sticking out of it.

I opened it and gasped. There were drawings and doodles of people and places. They were amazing.

I turned the page over to see a Polaroid picture of Calum, Michael and I on his 17th birthday. Michael had his smurf blue hair, I was sticking my tongue out and Calum smiled widely. Just the thought of the memory made me smile there and then.

I kept turning and turning until a drawing that caught my eye. I frowned. It was of a girl, sitting on a bench. Alone. She had headphones in her ears and she looked sad, lost even.

I squinted and looked closer.

She looked like me.

I shut the book, put it back underneath his pillow and stood up. It felt so wrong going through his private things.

I walked out his room and went to the right, deciding I should carry on looking for Calum. I made my way toward his music room which consisted of a piano and a normal, acoustic guitar.

"Calum!" I shouted.

I sighed to myself and walked back down the stairs. I pushed my hand through my hair.

I stole a quick glance in the kitchen.

A black figure.

I stepped back into the view of the kitchen.

It was gone.

"Calum?" I asked to no one. I stepped through the kitchen door.

"Cal?" I whispered. "Don't mess around Calum, I saw you." I tried to laugh. It didn't work, I was too scared.

I suddenly felt a strong grip over my mouth.

"Don't. Move."


Thanks for reading this far! I love youuuuu! Remember to vote please!!

I'm not sure what to think either.

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