C h a p t e r 23

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~chapter 23~

"What are you doing here, Luke?" Michael asked in annoyance.

"What is Violet doing here, Michael?" Luke asked back, wiping his eyes from tears and crossing his arms.

"Answer my question." Michael demanded.

Luke sighed. I still lingered in the living room/kitchen doorway.

"I need some place to stay." He confessed.

"No." Michael tried to close the door but Luke's foot stopped it.

"You're letting her!" Luke shouted pointing towards me.

"That's because she's my friend." Michael's voice rose.

"And I'm not your friend?" Luke asked, "who got you that job? Who let stay at his house when you didn't have a home? Who was there for you when your parents died? Huh? Huh? Who-"

"Don't you dare mention them again. And yes I'm grateful for what you've done for me, but you clearly aren't my friend after what you did!" Michael shouted, gripping Luke's shirt.

"Oh, what I did? It was you who-"

"Enough! Both of you!" Michael released Luke's shirt and Luke unballed his fists, "you're acting like 14 year-old girls!" I shouted, stepping forward.

I grabbed Michael's arm. "Can I have a word with you, please?" I whispered, pulling him into the living room.

He nodded.

"Just let him stay, he clearly has no where and he's not all that bad." I whispered.

"Violet. He's had somewhere to stay for a while now. And he could hurt you." He whispered putting his hands on my shoulders.

"He won't hurt me, don't worry." I pushed past Michael and walked up to Luke who has fiddling with the ends of his sleeves.

"You can stay." I said happily. I heard Michael groan from behind me, "but, you have to be nice. And don't tease Michael. That's my job." I smiled.

He looked bewildered.

"Mikey! Can you take me home later, is that okay?" I called out to Michael.

"Sure!" He shouted back.

"Love you!" I seemed really friendly with Michael all of a sudden, he just, I don't know.

I felt Luke tense up next to me. 'Go away' he whispered, 'go. Away.'

"You alright?" I asked.



Aye! You happy I updated?

I am! Haha yeah..

Have a drama performance tonight, although none of you actually care haha



All that ... Jazz?

S x

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