C h a p t e r 44

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My god this is sh.it

However many times I had told Luke that just because he was nearly always sat in a wheelchair I still loved him, he never believed me.

Also, he had started noticing me sneaking around behind his back with Calum. Well, he didn't know it was Calum, and he didn't know that we weren't doing anything other than being best friends and going out to buy drinks every now and then. Without him knowing.

"So, you and Calum are on good terms again, eh?" Michael asked, leaning his elbows on the granite counter top in the kitchen with a smug look on his face.

"Yup," I said, emptying plates and cups out of the dishwasher, nodding my head to whatever song happened to be on the radio.

"How come?" His face was curious as he walked over to me, reminding me of a small, inquisitive child before pulling some plates out and passing them to me.

"I found his leather book and gave it back. Simple." I replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

He then passed me the last plate as a small thanks left my mouth before I placed it on top of the other duplicates in the open cupboard above me.

"Does Luke know?" He whispered, gently pushing the dishwasher closed.

I shook my head as I took a seat at the large, oak, table, waiting for him to sit down in front of me so we could talk normally.

"Okay, Vi. We all know that Luke's not been feeling great about himself for a while... You need to tell him otherwise he'll think something's up." He explained to me, using hand gestures which were completely irrelevant and distracting to what he was actually saying.

"He's already been questioning me," I said as Michael's eyebrows rose in surprise which I took as an indication to tell him more, "I went out yesterday to meet Calum at the café down the street - the really cute one with the cool old fashioned-"

"Yeah I know." He said, cutting me off.

"Oh - well, when I was about to leave Luke was all up in my face and like 'oh where are you going we never do anything anymore' and then he started blaming it on the fact he couldn't use his legs!"

Michael made a face, "Wait, he thinks you're ditching him because he can't walk?"

I nodded.

"Are you?"

I choked on my own spit, "no! Jeez!" What was he thinking? I adored Luke - working legs or no working legs.

I heard a sigh of relief come from behind the closed door. My face made an 'o' shape as Michael whipped his head up to look at me. I held back a smile as I stood up, creeping towards the door.

Michael placed a finger over his lips as if to tell me - mostly himself - to stay quiet.

I twisted the doorknob and swung the door open to find Ashton and Luke gathered behind the door.

Ashton made a break for it as he ran up the stairs, two at a time before shouting 'you're on your own, Lukey boy' and slamming his bedroom door shut.

Luke grinned sheepishly up at me.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Only that it's not that my legs don't work that you don't like me. Am I clingy? Or too pushy?" He asked worriedly, fiddling his hands in his lap.

I shook my head frantically. I then beant down, placing a quick kiss on his lips, "I love you, okay?"

He nodded before I grabbed some dirty shoes and started to place them on my feet.

"Hey, Violet?" Michael asked, making me look up at his worried face. He gestured towards the kitchen where Luke sat at the table, his head in his arms as he let out repeated deep breaths.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I said frantically, placing an arm round his shoulder as his breathing quickened even more. Panic attack?

"Ashton!" Michael shouted, "we need you!"

And before I knew it Ashton was stumbling into the room almost as quick as a heartbeat. His eyes widened as he pushed me away. I took a step back and stood by Michael, admiring Ashton's calming aura and words.

"How does he know how to do that?" I whispered to Michael.

"Luke's been having them a lot lately - and I don't mean for this to sound rude but... you just haven't been there to see them happen." Michael explained, wrapping an arm over my shoulder.

I felt terrible. I could feel my eyes water as I realised I hadn't been there for him. And I also realised that these panic attacks were probably caused by me, leaving him to his own devices, only seeing him in the morning and evening. We barely did anything together anymore.

"Michael.. I'm so horrible." I sobbed, my stomach churning as I leant into him. His arms wrapped around me quickly, embracing me in a hug I haven't received in ages. One that felt like all the bad things wouldn't touch me.

I pushed myself out of Michael's embrace and rushed to the front door, my stomach churning as I felt vomit rise in my throat. I let out a shaky breath as quickly diverted to the nearest bathroom, clicking and locking the door behind me.

My eyes watered as the contents of my stomach emptied out into the toilet. I closed my eyes. I'm so ill.

"Hey, are you alright?" A timid voice said from behind the door, "you've thrown up three times in the past two weeks. Can I come in?"

I nodded, then realised that the door was locked and, obviously, not made of glass. After unlocking the door, I flushed the toilet and sat on the closed lid, wiping under my eyes.

Luke appeared from behind the door, pushing it open slowly and then locking it once he - and his wheelchair - were in.

"Um, Ashton took me to the hospital yesterday and they're going to try physical therapy to see if maybe, just maybe my legs could work again." He whispered, fiddling with his fingers.

"Wow! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I exclaimed, grabbing his pale hands and bringing them to my face to cover up my wide smile. I could see one creeping onto his face too.

He shrugged, "I - you - didn't have time."

I frowned.

"But - at least i've told you now, right?" His tone was unsure.

I let out a sigh, "come on, let's go out, just you and me."

He tried protesting as I pushed him - rather manically - through the bathroom doorway and towards the front door. I grabbed his back shoes - to match his entirely black outfit < a/n luke wearing all black kills me everytime > and tied them onto his feet to which he also protested to.

"Let's go and be a normal, functional, rational couple shall we?"


Woah it's been like, a pregnancy. Wait, no, it hasn't.

Oh and on chapter 4 I put 'hey, Violet' before they were actually... known? I'm a foreshadow-er(?)

But thanks for sticking with me

Okay, bye
Stephanie x ( this is like, 1.2k words )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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