52 - Surprise

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Hoseok loves surprises. Hoseok is always ready for surprises. When Namjoon surprised him with a marriage proposal after 2 years of them pining with each other, he accepted it on the spot. When Mr. Jeon offered him a role as the principal of Faith because he said he was the only who deserved it, he fully honoured for the position.

When his now husband told him that he was ready for a kid, Hoseok let him take his body for rounds that night but right now in front of both Dr. Ahn and Seokjin, right in the hospital where he only planned to accompany Seokjin, he couldn't believe that the result from him throwing up from the hospital smell will turn out as he is diagnosed with pregnancy at the same day.

Out from the hospital, Seokjin hugs him tight, being so excited with the news of his favourite brother is now 1 month pregnant. It's too early Hoseok said but the confirmation excite them.

"Hyung..congratulations! I'm so happy I can't wait for my twin to have a friend."

Seokjin is so happy that he didn't realise he accidentally disclosed the news that he will be having twins. His mouth gasps when he knows he slips out. Both hands are now covering on his mouth. Eyes blinking fast.

"Twin? You're having twin? Oh my god yes! I always know this. Your belly is unusual big for one baby. Yes twin. I'm so happy Seokjiniie. I'm so happy. Congratulations my baby Jinnie!"

Now Hoseok who hugs him tight. Can't believe that Seokjin will be having twin. His instinct is always right. Seeing Seokjin's belly is bigger than usual pregnancies, he often asked the pair whether they're having twin or not. Turns out it's true.

He rubs his own tummy, obviously with no apparent bump now but he can't wait to see their baby growing. Namjoon must be so thrilled with the progress. Will his belly becoming big as days passed? Will he gain more weight for their baby?.

Seokjin bites his lips. This is a secret from Jungkook. He even asked Dr. Ahn to join him for the secret, telling her that he will make it as a surprise for Jungkook but now Hoseok already knows about it. Should he just announce it tonight?

As if can sense his discomfort, Hoseok pats him. Eyes rolling. Didn't believe that Seokjin wanted to keep the secret even from him.

"You didn't tell anyone? not ajuhmma? Even Jungkook?."

Seokjin shakes his head. No one knows about this twin pregnancy aside from Dr. Ahn and him, okay now Hoseok included. His fingers fiddle on the hem of his shirt. Cheeks already red from his accidentally exposed secret. He really can't lie.

"I planned of not telling Jungkook yet but now when I think about it again, I'm all ready to announce it during our family gathering tonight and since you know about it and you're also pregnant, why don't we make it as double announcement? It will be more fun ain't it, hyung?."

He smiles wider. Eyes sparkling. Hands clasping with Hoseok. Trying to bounce small with his round heavy body. Can't wait to surprise everyone with the double news. He can already imagine how will Jungkook react to them having twin as their first born. His husband must be super exhilarated. Now he already miss to meet Jungkook.

"Yes. Let's do that. Let's make tonight as the one of the best night for all. Now come on. Let's go and buy for the preparation. Let's cook a lot of dishes. I have to eat more for my baby."

Hoseok sing song, he's laughing brightly while carefully escorting Seokjin to their car.

"You wish hyung. I hope you're not having serious morning sickness like me."

Seokjin is cackling along with him. His heart light. So blessed with the beautiful news for both of their families.

"It's okay. I will make sure I am strong like you too. Actually my fingers itch to call Namjoon but let's wait till tonight. So curious how my bae would react to this news."

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