48 - Game

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"Do you think this will look good on Jinnie? He suits pastel so I want to buy him one matching with their baby. Wait..we don't buy their baby's crib yet. I want to buy one, I already asked Jungkook and he said he still don't have one.. let me see if the-."


Namjoon interrupts him. Taking away the peach paternity pants he planned to buy for Seokjin from his hand.

They have been walking by every floors in the mall, looking for Jeon's baby necessities and his husband can't stop talking how cute Jin was with his protruding tummy. Hoseok can't wait for the baby to be born, wondering who's face they're gonna resemble to and Namjoon can see how excited he is.

The parents to be decided not to know about the gender since they didn't really mind about it but Hoseok knows they're gonna be super cute and pretty like their parents. Not to add with how he wanted to buy everything in pair in case they have twins even though the couple repeatedly said it's not. Blame it on instinct he said.

Whenever Hoseok's face beaming with smiles everytime he touched the moving baby in Seokjin's belly, Namjoon suddenly yearns for it. Seeing Jungkook and Seokjin anticipating for their child, Namjoon feels like he's ready for one too. He wants to touch his baby moving in Hoseok's. He wonders how does it feel then.

They have been married for 4 years. He knows that Hoseok always loves kids. Managing Faith that deals with lots of children makes him fonder with them. Hoseok had told him that he wanted kids from the beginning of their marriage but Namjoon was not ready. He's afraid if he couldn't take care of his baby well or putting most of the parenting responsibilities towards his husband.

But to see sometimes Hoseok's smiles vanishes whenever people asked them about having kid, or when he was tearing up at night after they suspected him for not being able to conceive. It hurts Namjoon that the blame is on Hoseok when he is the one who wasn't prepared to be a parent.

"Hey..babe why? What are you thinking about?"

He doesn't realise he's lost in his thoughts that he's not responding to his husband.

"Oh my god, Joon I'm sorry are you tired? Oh I forgot that you had a long surgery yesterday. I'm sorry you have to accompany me here. Come on let's go home."

Hoseok's face laced with worries and it guilts Namjoon more.

Why don't he realise how considerate, gentle and understanding his husband is. If only he can agree to his dream sooner. Hoseok wants to grab the pants back before Namjoon finally voices it out to him.

"This pants, I wonder how would it look in you?"

He smirks. One eyebrow up.

"What? What do you mean Joon. Why would I wear that. I'm not preg-."

"Let's make one."

Hoseok thinks he must have heard it wrong. What does Namjoon mean by that. He understands Namjoon is not ready for kids and he respects it. But why suddenly his husband said that to him. He ignores Namjoon's words by laughing it out regards it as a joke.

"You're funny Joon. Don't joke like that."

"I'm not joking. I'm ready. I want to be a dad. I want to see you carrying our child. Seeing Jungkook and Seokjin experienced a lot of things in their marriage but still pull through with the pregnancy, why can't I buck up and be prepared for my own. Afterall you always wanted one right?"

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