First Date Jitters

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Mercedes answered her door. "Hi."

Mike smiled and held out a daisy. "Hi."

She took it. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." He leaned against the doorway.

She blushed. "I'll just put this up and we can go."

"Cool." Mike stayed still as she went back inside.

Mercedes went to find an empty soda can and filled it with water from a water bottle. She set it atop her mini fridge and grabbed her purse. She walked back to the door and locked it. "So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Mike took her hand.

"Yay! I love surprises!"

"I know." He was truly excited for this. They walked to the elevator and took it to the lobby then walked outside. He led her to the bus line and they waited for the #13.

"Can I have a little hint?" She cajoled.

"Hmm?" He pretended to think about it. "I'm going to feed you."

She wrinkled her nose. "That's no hint!"

He laughed. "You'll like what I feed you."

"You're horrible!" She pouted.

"Ouch! You wound me!" He clutched his chest.


"Marcy." He shot back.

She laughed. "I'm not that bad."

"No one's that bad."

She giggled. "Stop talking about my baby!"

"Baby my foot! She's Satan's mother!"


He made a face. "I am not!"

"You know you love your frog princess!" She teased.

"I wonder if she can receive a package with a live animal in it?"

She stared at his serious face. "You are a menace!"

He cracked a grin. "I would never do you like that."

"You already did." She stuck her tongue out.

"I would never do you like that again." He corrected.

She slapped his chest. "I'll be watching you."

His grin turned. "You like that?"

Her mouth fell open and she blushed darkly. "I can't believe you said that!"

"I can't believe you can't believe I said that."

"I know! I know you. I know how dirty you are. What's wrong with me?"

He chuckled. "You must have forgotten."

"I haven't forgotten anything." The bus rumbled down the street. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Mikey!"

"What?" His face was the picture of innocence as the doors to the bus opened. He got on the bus and paid their fare.

She followed behind as he went to a spot with two seats. "You are so dirty! What if Papa Mike had heard you say that?!"

"He'd probably be proud." He put an arm around her as they sat.

She gasped. "No! Papa Mike brought you up to be respectful of women!"

"How was that disrespectful?"

Blood invaded her cheeks as she thought back on what he said. "I don't know but it had to be."

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