Smashing Glasses

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Mercedes walked the floor of her bedroom as she listened to Mr. Shue. "I'm so sorry. They must feel just awful."

"They do. I want to do something to lift their spirits so I want to invite all of you graduates back for the next month until graduation. I want it to be one giant party."

"Yeah, I don't mind. I have nothing to do."

"Thank you, Mercedes. Bring your brother and sister. We need as many fun people as possible."

"I'll ask them."

"I'm calling Santana, Brittany and Kurt. I don't know if I want to bother Rachel. I know she's prepping for Funny Girl and she might not have time off."

Mercedes rolled her eyes. "She'll find the time."

"Principal Figgins is giving us another year even though we've burned through all of our money. We have to do some major fundraising next year but at least they'll be a next year."

"I'm happy you'll have that, Mr. Shue."

"We'll start off early next year and work harder. Maybe you'll come back again?"

She wondered why he wanted her back so much. "Maybe?"

"Okay, we'll see you here at three?"

"Yeah. I'll be there."

"Bye, Mercedes."

"Bye, Mr. Shue." Mercedes hung up. She looked around her sparse room before sighing and going to Marc's room. She wasn't sure if he was there. He wasn't.

She checked her sister's room and found it empty, too. She went downstairs and found them in the den. "Hey. What are you guys watching?"

"Unique Sweets." Marcy replied.

"Why?" She leaned against the back of the couch.

Marcy shrugged. "Nothing else to do."

"Well I have something you could do at three. You can come to glee club with me."

"Why on Earth would we do that?" Marc wanted to know.

"Because you're bored and they need the pick-me-up."

"Why? They lose Nationals?"


Marc and Marcy turned to face her. "Really?"

"Yeah." Mercedes nodded. "They lost Nationals."

"Ouch!" Marc grimaced. "How prepared were they?"

"Not very. Mr. Shue isn't big on prepping in advance."

"And he wonders why they lost?" Marcy raised a brow.


"I've never been in glee but you'd think a teacher would teach his kids the value of preparedness."

"Well he hasn't. Actually I agree. But that's neither here nor there. I just want to know if you want to hang out with us."

"I'm way too old to hang out with those kids. I'll go today but that's it and yes, it's because I'm bored as hell." Marc said.

"Swear jar." Mercedes said reflexively. "If you're that bored, don't go."

"I'm bored enough to have your friends entertain me."

"They're not going to entertain you!" Mercedes pushed his head. "And to be fair, they're not exactly all my friends. I don't like Kitty and I don't know Ryder."

"Who names their child Kitty?! Her name must be Katherine." Marcy tapped her bottom lip. "Why don't you know Ryder?"

"I've never spoken a word besides "hello" to him."

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