Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

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Mike wiped his face before gulping down water from his water-bottle. He was hot, tired and sore all over.

"Great rehearsal, Miguel." Ruby Ortiz, his dancing partner, touched his back.

"Thanks. You too. You think we'll be good enough to get a great grade?"

"I think so. You're really good."

"So are you. I've only met one person who could do this routine in her sleep and you're close."

"Thank you?" Ruby smiled. "What are you doing now?"

"My girlfriend's going to meet me here and I talked her into this zero gravity thing. It took a lot but she's going with me."

"Zero gravity thing?"

"Yeah. It's where you put on this suit and you enter this chamber, where you fly into the air. It's really cool."

"Why didn't you invite me? I would love to go." She "joked".

"Next time." He promised.

The doors to the studio opened and Mercedes came in. She walked over and kissed him lightly. "Hi!"

"Hey! Let me just finish packing up and we can get going." Mike went to his bag and started putting his towel and water-bottle up.

"Hi, I'm Mercedes." Mercedes held her hand out. "Mike's girlfriend."

Ruby smiled falsely and grasped her hand weakly. "Ruby."

"I don't mean to be rude but are you Hispanic or Spanish?"

"I'm Mexican." Ruby was surprised at the question.

"You just remind me of a friend and she's half Mexican." Mercedes explained.

"Oh." There was a wealth of meaning in that solitary word.

"This is for your final grade, right?" Mercedes fought to find something to talk about as Mike changed in the back.

"Sí. Miguel and I are dancing together for our final grade."


"I'm sorry. Miguel is Spanish for Michael. He speaks fluently so I thought it was only right."

Mercedes was fluent in Spanish herself and wasn't buying it at all. "I like it."

"Miguel talks about you all the time."

"He does?" Mercedes perked up.

"He does. He really likes you."

Mercedes pursed her lips. "One of these days, it just might be love."

"I doubt it." Ruby said under her breath.

Mercedes caught it. Perra podrida. "Mikey never mentions you."

Ruby's face cracked. "Really? Not at all?"

"I thought he was working with a boy."

Ruby's brows drew together. "He never mentioned what you looked like."

"Probably didn't want to brag."

"That's it." Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Mikey's a saint like that."

"He is a very attractive saint."

"Not really what you look for in a holy entity but sure." Mercedes rolled her eyes.

"If I were you, I'd keep my claws in him as long as I could. He's the very best dancer there is."

"I know how well he dances. Too bad you'll never see his tango."

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