Not Interchangeable

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"What are you doing today?" Marcus asked.

"Video game tournament!" Marc cheered.

"Video game tournament?" He was confused.

"Me and some of my boys decided to have a video game tournament when we all came back. We're all here now."

"Have fun. Dominate." Marcus nodded once.

"Always." Marc snorted.

"What about you girls?"

"I have doctor's appointments all day." Marcy said dryly.

"We need to make sure you're healthy."

"This is bunk."

"What does that even mean?"

"Terrible. It means terrible."

"You're going to the doctor and that is final. We don't even know if you're safe."

"Safe from what?"

"Safe from everything that has happened to you. You may have internal injuries!"

"Daddy." She frowned.

"I'm not being emotional!"

Marc's lips twitched heavily. "We didn't accuse you of being emotional. Yet."

Marcus glared. "I'm just saying."

"We understand, Daddy. We don't know how healthy Marcy or the twins are." Mercedes soothed.

"The twins are fine." Marcy repeated.

"Yes, we went to the doctor's for them last week." Marcus added.

"Do you need someone to go to the doctor with you today?" Rose asked Marcy.

"No." Marcy picked at her food.

"Are you sure?" Mercedes teased. "I don't have anything to do today. We can go to lunch and get a manicure."

"How did something I didn't want to do get turned into something I would never do?"

"I'm telling you; you'll like this place. Please, please, please. For me?"

"I must like you." Marcy sighed deeply.

"Yay!" Mercedes cheered.

"But I'm not wearing any false nail crap!"

"You don't have to! I'm not."

"Well now that you're going to the doctor's with Sweetpea, Princess I don't have to ask what you're doing today." Marcus said.

"What time is your first appointment?" Mercedes asked.

"Nine something." Marcy replied. "I was thinking of going to the library today, too."

"We can go before the doctor."

"You should get dressed while I take the kids to the Fabrays'."

"When are you leaving?"

"Really soon. I need to get their stuff together."

"Okay! Let me go!" Mercedes quickly finished her meal and ran out.

"Man, that was funny." Marc grinned.

Mercedes went upstairs and took a quick shower. She put on lotion and deodorant before choosing light purple jean shorts with a red tank top and black sleeveless jean jacket. She put them on before slipping on her favorite gold gladiator shoes. Then she put on jewelry and her signature scent and grabbed her purse.

She picked up her phone and floated downstairs. She went to the kitchen and saw it empty so she knew her parents went to work. She looked in the den for her siblings but they weren't there so she went outside to see if any cars were still there. Only her car and Marc's were.

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