Trial Separation

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"It was nice of Ms. Judy to babysit last minute." Mercedes said as she, Marc, Marcy and the twins came into the house.

"I'm thankful she came home just to be with them." Marcy walked the kids to the den and turned on the TV for them to watch a baby show on Netflix.

"I'm just glad we avoided Laura." Marc leaned against the wall.

"Nice to know that grudge is strong."

"Zip it, Sis. I'm not holding a grudge. What's done is done."

"And you're still angry and hurt." Mercedes accused.

"No way. I get laid on an average of every other night. I'm great."

"That's sad. He actually believes that." Marcy mocked to their sister cruelly.

Mercedes giggled at his scowl. "Are you hungry? We haven't eaten since lunch."

"I'm thirsty."

"You should get that checked out." Marc finally spoke.

"I might be dehydrated." They walked from the den to the kitchen and saw their mother putting away a few bags of groceries.

"Hey, Momma." Mercedes said slowly.

"Hi, sweetie. How are my beautiful children today?"

"Uh... um- good." Mercedes was freaked out. Their mother was naturally a happy person but this was weird. Even for her.

"What are you doing?" Marc asked.

"Putting away some stuff. I went shopping." Rose missed his meaning entirely.

"Where's Daddy?" Mercedes was slightly afraid of this chipper Rose.

"In the office. He'll be out in a minute. Would you like a snack?"

"Um... sure." Marc could eat.

"Yes?" Mercedes waffled.

"No thank you." Marcy went to the fridge for a bottle of juice. She went to leave the room when Rose stopped her.

"Wait! I bought some stuff for you! I know how you like those Outshine bars. I got you apple juice. And pita chips. Your favorite, cinnamon sugar. I got a bunch of things."

Marcy sighed. "Why?"

"I thought you might want to try new things. I even got Doritos."

"I've never had Doritos."

"I bought a bunch. I figured we could try them as a family. You know? bonding?"

"And you think I want to bond? With you?"

"I know you're probably still mad-"

Marcy whipped around so fast, Rose took a step back. "Mad? You think I'm mad?"

"I would be, too."

"I'm going to watch television." Marcy's stone face didn't show her thoughts as she walked out.

"So that snack?" Marc raised a finger.

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