This is Our Breakup Song

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Mal didn't know why he woke up but something was telling him to rise so he did. He noticed Marcy wasn't in the bed with him so he got up to check the bathroom but noticed the closet door open. He went to it and saw the light on and her looking through her clothes.

He rubbed his eyes. "Marce?"

She turned around, frazzled. "Mal! What are you doing up? It's like six thirty."

"What are you doing?" He came closer.

She turned back to her clothes. "I don't know what to wear."

"That's incredibly girly." He wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"I don't know what to wear for my meeting with Pierre."

"So that's his name..."

She sighed. "I want to wear something nice but not too nice. You know?"

He didn't but he'd never mock her for her feelings. "What about this dress?"

She looked over the short floral A-line dress with short sleeves and a box neckline. "You like this?"

"I do. I want to see you in it. More importantly, I want to strip you out of it."

She blushed. "Okay. I need to go shower."

"Want company?"

She turned in his arms and kissed him. "What do you think?"

He kept his lips puckered but it became clear that she wasn't going to continue. "Yes?"

She moved out of his arms and gathered her clothes before leaving for the bathroom.

One eye peeled open. When it became obvious that she was gone, he opened the other eye and sighed. "I guess that's a no..."


Mercedes, who'd slept in her own room, posed in her mirror. She was wearing an off the shoulder dress that clung to her good curves and skimmed her bad ones. It was a deep claret and reached her knees while the neckline was a light ruching at her collarbone.

She wore her daisy necklace, diamond earrings, a leather strap around her right wrist and strappy heels on her feet. Her makeup was light because it was daytime.

She liked the way she looked so she took a selfie and posted it to social media. Then she grabbed a lightweight jacket and her purse and left her closet to go to Quinn's room (as the blonde slept in her own bed as well).

"Q? Are you up?" Mercedes knocked on the door.

Quinn opened the door. "Hey. You look nice."

"You too!"

Quinn was wearing white Capri jeans with a design at the hem and chain belt and a loose fitting shirt in a myriad of colors. The sides seemed stapled together and the sleeves were short. She wore strappy heels and her hair was in a high pony. "Thanks. Let me grab my jacket and purse."

Mercedes went to a spare room to see if Laura was awake. She and Judy had stayed with them. She knocked on the door. "Lady?"

Laura opened the door wearing a flowing floral skirt with a black clingy shirt and heels. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah. Can you text everyone to meet us by the base of the stairs? Q's grabbing her stuff and we'll be there in a second."

"Go see if Mom is ready." Laura went to grab her phone.

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