Operation: Quick Part I

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"You're going to love him." Quinn sighed. "He's husband material."

"I can't wait to meet him!" Mercedes squealed as she packed some schoolwork in a bag.

"We're going to be the couple to beat Mikecedes in the cute department."

"I doubt that. Mikecedes is the truth!" Mercedes zipped up the bag and set it aside. She picked up her phone and turned off speakerphone.

Quinn laughed. "Okay! Okay! You two are ultra cute."

"Better believe it! These six weeks have been the business."

"I'm so happy for you guys. Have you told our parents yet? Mom hasn't mentioned it."

"We're going to tell everyone when we get home." Mercedes made sure she had everything.

"I can't wait for the reveal! Papa Mike and Pop are going to be happy as larks!"

"Daddy says he's happy Mikey's down here so he probably will be. Weird man."

"Who's all going to be there?"

"Me, you, Mikey, Finn, Santana and Puck." Mercedes counted. "Are you going to talk to Tana again?"

"Of course I am." Quinn lied.

"You're lying."

"Of course I am." Quinn told the truth.

"So you had sex at the wedding? We've all done things we didn't think through. She's still your best friend."

"No. You're my best friend. She was a booty call."


"Fine! I'll talk to her. But I don't know what we'll talk about."

"Talk about your boyfriend. Talk about her girlfriend."

"She has a girlfriend?" Quinn perked up.

"Yes! Her name is Dani. She's blonde-"

"What's with her and blondes?"

Mercedes snickered. "I don't know but Dani is blonde. She's totally nice and can sing. She's a catch and is taking her mind off Brittany."

"Can you believe she's a math genius?"

"She needed something to be good at other than sex and dancing. I'm happy for her."

"Really? No bitter feelings about her and Sam?"

"Sam and I aren't together. We aren't meant to be. He's free to do whomever he wants. I just thought Britt and I were tighter than that."

"Although we've all dated each other's exes. You've dated mine, I've dated yours. We're bad friends."

Mercedes laughed. "From now on, no more dating exes."

"I could never date Mikey. He's too dark for me."

"Dark?" Mercedes checked the time and saw it was time to go. She picked up her bag, purse and jacket before locking her dorm room door.

"Yeah. He's as dark as Jr. is wild."

Mercedes bent over to laugh. "You did not!"

"They're both crazy."

"I haven't heard anyone call Jr. wild since Marcy called him a lion. Remember she said he was Scar from the Lion King?"

Quinn laughed. "I remember that! He was so confused, he had to watch the movie over again. Then he got offended."

"I miss her." Mercedes pouted as she went outside and walked to the bus line. She would be taking it to the airport, where she would meet Mike and they'd fly out together.

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