Double Dating

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Marcy yawned as she flipped a page in her book. She'd already brushed her teeth and showered for the day and just wanted to read a few chapters of one of the books she'd gotten Thursday before getting the twins up and dressed.

She was reading by the light of the rising sun. She was really into a particular sonnet when her music stopped and a new song played. She picked up her phone. "Hello?"

"Hey?" Mal's voice was sleep ridden. "Are you up?"

"Yes. Are you?"

He chuckled. "No. How are you?"

"You know I'm not a morning person, Mal."

"And I am?"

"Good point. Why are you so chipper?"

"I'm not chipper. I'm just happy to hear your voice."

She hated to admit it but that filled her stomach with butterflies. "Oh shut up and tell me what you want."

"I was wondering what you were doing today?"

"I'm busy."

"Who's watching the kids?"

"Shouldn't you?"

"I could."

She didn't like the way that sounded. "But Maddie is."

"Oh. Well I might just borrow Mally for a few hours."

"What? Why?" She was instantly suspicious.

"I was thinking Mally could use a haircut."

"No!" She immediately snapped.

"Marcy! He looks like a shaggy dog!"

"So do you!"

"I'll get a haircut, too."

"No! Absolutely not!"

"People keep mistaking him for a girl!"

"I don't care! You're not cutting my baby's hair!"

"I don't want my son walking around getting talked about cuz his mother is attached to his hair!"

"I'm not attached to his hair." She pouted.

"Yes, you are! You're acting like your mother! She never let you cut your hair! She even let your bangs grow to your chest she didn't like it so much!"

"Take that back!" She growled.

"Marce." He sighed. "Please let me do this. This is a bonding experience between me and my son. I'm taking him to get his first haircut. I've missed too many of his firsts already."

Marcy really hated this. She had this irrational want for her son's hair to be long like hers (or at least her brother's). "Okay. Okay."


"Yeah. What time are you thinking of going? Maybe I should be there?"

"I'm meeting a friend for some business but I'll text you to bring him by."

"Didn't I say I have plans?"

"Are they before ten o'clock?"


"Drop him off at ten."

"Before ten."


Marcy felt like she was making a huge mistake. "I'll see you when I drop the twins off."

"I'm actually leaving soon."

"Your meeting is at seven in the morning?"


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