Martie: Boo Thang and RT

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Mercedes huffed and stood back. She was finally done painting. It took as long as expected. She wiped her hands off on a rag then went to her phone to check her messages. She'd been going back and forth with a few of her family members while working on her car and taking small breaks.

She checked her phone and saw she had a message from Aaron. She texted back hey. It didn't take long for him to text back. She read it quickly. He'd asked her how she was doing.

She texted that she was fine and asked him about himself. He texted back that he was fine; just bored beyond belief. She asked him about his job, which was as an assistant at an advertising firm.

He replied that he wasn't busy at the moment and his boss was an idiot. She laughed to herself and texted back that he was getting paid so he should stop crying. He responded that he wasn't crying but merely complaining.

She laughed again. He was crazy and she loved it. She texted that at least he had a job. She was currently out of work. He asked her what job would she like and she told him all about her stint as a backup singer in LA. Then she told him about her sleazy manager and what went down a few weeks ago.

He expressed sorrow for her lost opportunity and outrage on her behalf over the dirtbag she'd trusted with her career. She told him she was over it. He asked her what she was doing at that moment and she explained about Marcus teaching them about cars and his gift. He was geeked about it and asked her all sorts of questions about her project.

She told him everything she'd did and what she had left to do. He asked her what else was she doing that day and she realized she had to get to glee. She told him she had a meeting and that she'd talk to him when it was over.

Then she put away her tools and got in her car to go to glee club. She made it in time and walked in to see that although the meeting had not started, everyone was there. Even Marcy was there, sitting between Sam and Blaine.

Since that was going well, Mercedes decided to introduce her sister to someone else that she was sure Marcy would get along famously with; Artie. The belter went to her sister and took her hand, leading her over to the soulful blue eyed singer.

Since she wanted them to meet in the best way, she spoke in Spanish. "Artie, this is Marcy. Marcy, this is Artie. He's my musical husband and she's my baby sister. Talk!"

Both blinked at her in confusion.

"Not all at once! Please! I'm getting a headache!" Mercedes snapped irritably.

"Who are you right now? That's my shtick." Marcy looked at her in surprise.

"MJ's sassy. Always has been." Artie adjusted his glasses.

"Yeah, you should have seen her rolling her neck when we were little."

Mercedes gave them both evil looks. "Talk to each other! About things other than me!"

Both were quiet.

"You make me sick. Both of you are great at making beats and knowing good music. Both of you are funny. Both of you are dirty. Find something to talk about!"

"I'm not funny." Marcy frowned.

"I'm not dirty." Artie said.

"You're a lie!" Mercedes put her hands on her hips.

Artie grinned. "Alright, I am."

Marcy smirked. "How dirty?"

"Girl, you're gon need some holy water when I'm done talkin to you."

"So I can burn? not even!"

"So you're sassy, too?" He crossed his arms.

"No, I'm bitchy. Her real sister."

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