Tim Drake x Reader - "You Guys? Together?"

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Being one of the top bachelorettes of Gotham wasn't a title you would have expected to earn at all. Though, your successful career had brought you to be one of the richest in town, you were often invited to special events to raise popularity. What the batboys didn't expect, was that your now-boyfriend turned out of be the third bird, Tim, especially since you nothing alike.

Requested on Tumblr: "Can I have a Tim drake X reader where she's like one of the top bachelorette and her and Tim start dating and they really don't seem like each others type but they just are (Bonus points if she gets jealous and the batfam is ...

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Requested on Tumblr: "Can I have a Tim drake X reader where she's like one of the top bachelorette and her and Tim start dating and they really don't seem like each others type but they just are (Bonus points if she gets jealous and the batfam is like how??!!!??)"

A/N: Hope you like it! ^^

Warning: Jason being a fanboy, I'm sure Jason swears at least once in this.

"Good morning losers," Jason entered the dining room, seeing his younger and older brother sitting quietly and eating at the table.

"Jason," Bruce's usual warning tone at his flattering nicknames seemed more distant than normal, too absorbed in the newspaper

"Hmm?" Dick perked up at his unusual behaviour, Tim raised a questioning eyebrow as well never seeing him so immersed in a single article.

"Thank you Alfred," Jason's voice was nearly ignored by the first robin.

"What's so interesting that you don't give Jason his usual scolding?" Grayson inquired

"Maybe he's finally accepted that you are all losers!" Red Hood expressed before taking a spoonful of cereal and plopping into his mouth.

Tim glared at his stupid brother before munching on his toast.

"This (Y/N) (L/N) is peculiar." he admitted, folding the daily newspaper and placing it on the side of his plate before digging into his meal.

"What about her?" Tim asked, thankful that his voice didn't waver.

"Oh, the really hot chick, I love that woman," Jason spoke with his mouthful.

"Shut up until you finished eating, you look like a more filthy pig than usual," Damian entered the kitchen in black sports clothes and untied Titus' leash.

"Feel free to restrain from any insults, masters," Alfred sighed in defeat as he paced to the kitchen to wash up some of their dishes.

"She's very...outspoken," the millionaire chose his words carefully.

"Good for her," Dick encouraged.

"What's wrong with being outspoken?" Tim scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"People don't want to hear the truth sometimes," He sighed.

"You're one to talk," Red Hood snorted, only earning himself a glare.

"I think she's doing things the correct way," Damian sat down among them, knowing Alfred would scold him for being impolite even if he had breakfast before talking Titus for a walk,

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