Prompt 18 With Tim Drake (ft. Dick Grayson)

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Requested On Tumblr: "18 from the prompt list seems so funny, can i have a tim drake x reader for that one?? thanks! "

18. "Hoe, I know what you're thinking, you nasty!"

Your PoV

Tim and I have been best friends for a while now and he knows that I have a little crush on his eldest brother. He's only 2 years older than me so the age gap doesn't bother me too much. Tim keeps teasing me about it and I'm pretty sure Dick knows about it too. I always blush in his presence, but I'm full on admitting it when he isn't around. So, like every day, I went to Wayne Manor to study with Tim.

When I arrived, he ushered me in his room, not wanting me to see his brothers so that they can tell me all the embarrassing stories about him like the first time we met. Tim and I studied for a few hours before we decided to call it a day and made our way to the living room to watch a movie. Half an hour into the movie, we heard the front door open and close, which I assume had to be Dick, and I blushed at the thought of him. He passed by the living room and stopped when he saw us.

"Oh, hey guys! What are you watching?" he asked taking his jacket off.

"We're not really watching anything, we're just looking through movies for now!" Tim explained, knowing I'd just be a stuttering mess.

"Cool! Can I watch it with you guys?" He asked. Tim gazed at me before smirking mischievously and nodding his head enthusiastically. I widened my eyes at him and scolded him with my gaze.

"Awesome, I'll just go change!" He informed, scurrying out of the living room. Once he was out of sight, I sighed.

"What the hell Tim?" I whisper yelled, hitting the back of his head.

"I'm just setting you guy's up!" He explained.

"Just tell him how you feel!"


"I don't think he heard you up there, in his room taking his shirt off!" he sassed. I froze, deep in thought, before smiling as widely as the Joker.

"Hoe, I know what you're thinking, you nasty!" He said, watching me get off the couch and tip toeing up the stairs.

"Shut up, just a glance at his abs!" I giggled. I scurried up the stairs and peered though Dick's room. Seeing him take his shirt off. I had a clear view of his abs through the mirror as he put on a dark blue T-shirt on. He saw me and grinned, turning around and opening the door widely as he looked at me.

"Tim asked me to um--- OKAY BYE!!!" I yelled running down the stairs with red cheeks and stuffing my head under a pillow on the couch beside a chuckling Tim.

Cute! Dick chuckled as he walked back in his room to put sweatpants on.

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