It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

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This fic includes Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Roy Harper (Arsenal), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Damian Wayne (Robin), Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Alfred (the Badass Butler).


3rd Person PoV

"Guys!!!!! (Y/N) isn't answering her phone!" Dick whined.

"I'm sure Miss (Y/N) is fine!" Alfred reassured, taking a tray of empty teacups to the kitchen.

"But it's been 2 days!!!!!"

"Will you shut up if we took you to her apartment?" Jason snapped.

"Yes, I will!!!" Dick answered enthusiastically.

"I'm coming!" Damian said, hopping off the kitchen stool.

"So am I!" Tim added.

---------------------Time Skip---------------------

Jason's PoV

After suffering through 15 minutes of Dick's constant worrying, we finally arrived at (Y/N)'s apartment. Tim knocked on the door. There was no answer.

"(L/N)!" Damian called out. Still no answer.

"Get away from the door!" I said. I knelt down and started picking the lock.

"Why don't we just break the door down?" Dick asked, nervous.

"Do you really want to deal with an angry (Y/N) when she finds out?" Damian asked raising an eyebrow.

"I see your point!" Dick agreed.

I managed to unlock the door and Tim eagerly made it fly open. We walked around her apartment but didn't manage to find (Y/N).

"What if she's gotten kidnapped!" Dick said frantically.

"Of course she isn't! We taught her how to defend herself, didn't we? She might have gone to the Manor whilst we were coming here!" I reasoned. Damian got his phone out and dialled Alfred.

"Wayne Manor!"

"Hello Pennyworth, it's Damian, we just wanted to know if (Y/N) arrived at the Manor!"

"No (Y/N) in sight Master Damian!" Alfred informed.

"Ok thanks, Alfred!" Tim said quickly, before hanging the phone up for Damian.

"She might be with Roy!!!" I exclaimed after a few seconds of thinking.

"Of course she would be with Roy!" Tim facepalmed. We all sighed, reassured.

"We should call him though!" I said, interrupting the short silence that followed Tim's statement.

My brothers hummed in agreement whilst I took my phone out and dialled Roy. No answer.

"WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO US!?!?" Dick cried out, looking up at the ceiling as if this was an act of God.

"Pull yourself together Grayson!" Damian snapped, hitting the back of his head.

"I'll go see at our apartment!" I informed.

-----------------Time Skip-----------------

I arrived at mine's and Roy's apartment.

"Wait here!" I told the guys as I stepped out of the car. I marched up the stairs and swiftly unlocked the front door.

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