Batboys x Reader - "Hidden Kitten"

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Going to go get dry cleaning got you a lot of unwanted attention by a few men, thankfully, five vigilantes were patrolling the area and happen to spot you in trouble, but being the hidden daughter of Bruce Wayne and having been trained by your mother, Selina will you really need saving?

Requested on Tumblr: "If requests are still open can you do one where y/n is Selina Kyle's daughter but dosent wanna be part of and Catwoman stuff but like can still kick your ass and she's Bruce's daughter but he dosent know and she gets attacked...

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Requested on Tumblr: "If requests are still open can you do one where y/n is Selina Kyle's daughter but dosent wanna be part of and Catwoman stuff but like can still kick your ass and she's Bruce's daughter but he dosent know and she gets attacked and he goes to save her bust she kicked his ass and is like "sup Mr Wayne" and idk end it how you want (sorry it's so long)"

A/N: Hope you like it!

"Mom, where is my coat?" The girl shuffled through the coat rack, taking a deep breath as she pulled herself out of the furniture that had become heavy because of the abundant coats and jackets hanging from it.

"Oh, sorry, I sent it to the dry cleaners, actually, can you go pick up a load for me?" she pouted, putting her boots on. A sigh escaped her lips as she nodded, gazing at the window to see the darkness outside.

"I'm going to see Batsy," Selina announced before opening the window and slipping out.

"Okay," (Y/N) muttered, making sure she could stay warm in the clothing she was in. Her hand extended to grasp the leaflet to pick up the dry cleaning, the keys for the apartment and some extra money just in case it started to rain and she needed to call a cab.

Hugging herself, she stared at the ground, watching her feet as they placed in front of each other rhythmically. It was quite chilly out here, the cold was nipping at her skin through her thin layer of clothing.

How ironic.

If only her mother could have told her in the day so she wouldn't be on the verge of freezing and rather walking in the warming sun.

Glancing at her phone, she released a sigh of relief. The girl still has a solid hour before the store closes, she has plenty of time.

The small moment of comfort soon washed away when she decided to glance to an alley to her left and perceived three or four men. In the glow of the street lamp, they seem to gaze at her figure and stood up.

Uh ho.

Increasing her pace, she marched out of their view as quick as possible and hugged herself tighter.

(Y/N) didn't have to turn around to know that they had started following her. Her teeth chewed on her lip in thought, judging whether it would be wise to lead these guys right to the dry cleaners.

After much thought, she decided it might be best to go to the dry cleaners, the cameras in the shop might be able to pick up these guys faces.

The girl scurried down the last block as she perceived the luminous logo brightening up the dark spot between the street lamps. After bolting the rest of the way, she was thankfully only a little bit out of breath. Twenty minutes before

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