Jason Todd x Reader - "Ice Skating And Truffle Making" [Part 2]

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Have the most romantic day with your boyfriend with no interruption from his stupid brothers.

Have the most romantic day with your boyfriend with no interruption from his stupid brothers

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A/N: Part 2 of the fic for my babe @pythiaaa hope you like it! ^^

Warning: Floof? I also mention religion -- not stating my opinion and even if I did, no hate!

After Jason cleared the table, despite the girl's insistence in helping, they paced out of the coffee shop, holding onto each other to stay in their warmth that shielded them from the cold.

"Still pretty cold," she shivered lightly, hogging his arm and nuzzling his shoulder to keep her face in the warmth as much as possible.

"Yeah, but don't worry, we're going to the interior ice rink, everyone is going to the one near the festival so it's going to be relatively quiet there." he explained, holding her close. She nodded, sighing in relief as the huge building revealed itself to them.

The girl pulled his hand, practically dragging him inside the building, moaning softly as the warm ventilating system warmed her up as soon as the doors closed.

"I can stay under here forever," Jason chuckled before (Y/N) kissed his cheek and pulled him with her again.

"Good, because we're not staying here," she snorted, moving him to the entrance.

He pouted, interlocking their fingers together.

"How much for two people?" Jason raised an eyebrow at the man behind the counter.

"Since it's Valentine's Day, there's a discount which makes it now at a price of 10$ an hour per person." He explained unenthusiastically. The girl cringed at the statement and glanced at her boyfriend to see his reaction. He peered over at her as well, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"We'll take an hour and a half -- for both of us!" He stated firmly, sliding a ten dollar and twenty dollar bill across the counter. The man nodded, typing on his computer and giving them two plastic wristbands.

"Here, keep these on until you have to leave, you'll be able to access any place in the building, enjoy your stay," he directed slowly.

"Great, thank you," Jason chuckled nervously, pulling her away from him and towards the ice rink "what a great interaction," He stated sarcastically.

"Don't be mean babe, he clearly loves his job!" she snorted, putting the wristband on and waiting for him to follow him inside the rink. Jason chuckled softly as he paced behind her to the shoe stand.

After they took their shoes and slipped them on, they cautiously walked on the rink, Jason more awkwardly so than her.

"Oh god, I forgot how to do this," a thick blush peppered his cheeks -- maybe just as much as the colour of his sweatshirt.

"It's okay babe, I'll help you," She smiled reassuringly at her as his arm slid around her shoulders and she held his chest, pecking his neck.

He nodded shyly, holding onto her as she slowly glided on the ice like an angel. Soon enough, he finally got the hang of it again and they skated around the rink, goofing around and attempting to do fancy stunts -- thank god there weren't many people around.

"Ahh, I need a sugar fix!" She sighed happily, slipping her normal shoes on and stretching, "I'm going to buy a Coke-"

"No! We are going to make truffles remember, and besides, did you know a can of coke contains ten teaspoons of sugar?" he explained matter-of-factly. The girl laughed, kissing his cheek.

"Oh really my cute little dork? Tell me more!" he blushed as he stammered with more facts on their way home.

"Are we ready to bake?" Jason grinned as she soon returned in leggings and one of his sweatshirts.

"Still shirtless huh?" She teased with tinted pinkish cheeks, nudging his side with her shoulder.

"You know it, I love being on display for you and besides, I love seeing that cute flustered expression on your face," He chuckled, dipping down to nibble on her earlobe.

"Stawp," She slapped his oncoming hand away from her.

"Okay," He chuckled, starting the video and leaning against the countertop. They both watched patiently, absorbing every detail.

"Did you listen to that? Chop the chocolate!" (Y/N) pinched his arm, pointing at the chocolate.

"Ow," He whined, "yes ma'am, coming right up!" He opened the chocolate bars and placed the chunks in the heat-proof bowl.

After some extensive ordering Jason around and following the only recipe by the book.

"Last step!" The girl grinned, "cocoa powder!" she opened the lid and pulled a tablespoon out of the cupboard "Oh, we should try that cinnamon challenge but with cocoa powder! I dare you to do it!" The biggest grin tore on her lips.

"What's that?" Jason raised an eyebrow at her.

"Basically, you have to put a spoonful of powder in your mouth and eat it in under a minute without drinking anything during the challenge."

"That is for feeble people, I don't even need to do it to know I'm the best at all challenges!" Jason's eyes gleamed with pride.

"Yeah, okay Mister I'm good-at-it-all!"

"Babe, you know I can do it, it's a waste of time" His eyes narrowed at her playfully.

"Okay," The girl teased slightly. He grumbled before pecking her temple as he scooped a spoonful of the cocoa powder. Jason mumbled something under his breath. (Y/N) didn't hear it but she knew exactly what he said.

"You can't be serious," She snorted, "did you just pray to God? I thought you said he doesn't exist according to you,"

"I know I don't believe in God but when I need something be sure as hell I would be asking him for it," He chuckled. The girl howled in laughter, as Jason's smile widened at her outburst.

"Okay now staaaaaaawp, I can't do this if I'm laughing can I?" He chuckled.

"I'm sure you can't do it even when you're not laughing," She snickered, winking teasingly at him.

"Challenge, accepted," He nodded, suddenly putting the whole spoon in his mouth. The girl kept a huge smile on her face as she examined him, seeing his eyes widen slightly at the sensation of the powder in his mouth. He kept it, not daring to do anything until he fully dot used to the feeling.

His eyes stared in hers at the unexpected realisation.

"Hm," She chuckled, leering at him with a challenging smirk. He gave her an I-know-best-look before gulping.

He suddenly coughed, cheeks flushing as his throat gagged and spat the whole powder out of his mouth. His lungs contracted, getting as much of the powder out of his system as possible.

Soon after recovering, he groaned, "I'm okay, I'm okay," shaking his head reassuringly. (Y/N) laughed again, hand against her chest to try and catch her breath.

Jason pouted as she found herself sitting on the floor, back against the counter and giggling, her laughter slowly dying down.

"You're the best huh?" She panted.

"That's what you were screamin' yesterday sweetheart!" He pulled her off the floor, cornering her against the counter. Her cheeks flushed as she bit her lip, staring at his.

"You're a dork," She breathed out.

"I'm your dork,"

"That's also true!" She grasped his collar, kissing him lips hungrily, "you taste like cocoa," Jason pinched her side playfully.


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