[Snippet] Batboys

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  Request: What are the batboys + batman and ironman music preference?? 

 A/N: Sorry fics are taking so long! It's nearly the holidays for me so I hope to write a bunch of fics! 

Bruce Wayne:

 Anything that doesn't include pop or rap. He just doesn't like pop because of how different it is from what he's used to. And rap for the simple reason that it's too vulgar for his taste. Hhe enjoys most classical musics because it's relaxing to him including Jazz.   

Dick Grayson:

Pop! Definitely and any other music that could make him be his dramatic self or shake his nice ass to!

Jason Todd:

Anything with a nice vibe to it. Like summer vibes and anything that could make him relax after a rough day and fall asleep.

He would purposely listen to Hard Rock just to piss off his brothers and Bruce!

Tim Drake:

His taste varies from one day to the next! He can love pop one day and hate it the next! He likes a few rock songs maybe but claim that he despises it. But he enjoys listening to movie soundtracks when he works.

Older!Damian Wayne:

He's too much like his father. Classical music like an old fashioned man!

Tony Stark:

Anything that makes him look like a badass honestly! He's a drama queen like that!

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