Jason Todd x Reader - "Messing Up Every Time"

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Jason is more than overjoyed to spend the week with his boyfriend when he goes to visit Gotham from Australia, regardless of how terrible he is at learning Auslan. But it can become funny once his older brother comes to discuss pressing matters with the vigilante.

Requested by anon: " Hello!😃 Could please request Jason Todd? Where his MaleS/O is deaf and from Australia they're visiting him in Gotham,S/O uses Auslan which they're trying to teach him

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Requested by anon: " Hello!😃 Could please request Jason Todd? Where his MaleS/O is deaf and from Australia they're visiting him in Gotham,S/O uses Auslan which they're trying to teach him. If Jason's in another room they'll stamp the ground or smack the wall twice to get his attention? And possibly Dick comes over to speak with Jason and accidentally meets the S/O,Jason hears a commotion and tries to sign to calm down s/o but makes them laugh because he signed something wrong? Dick is like"??" If not that's okay😊 "

A/N: I feel like this is horribly inacurrate and I'm so sorry if it is! Everything in italics is lip reading and using sign language. And I know I said this was gender neutral.... but it's not lmao, it's male!reader.

I sighed, a small smile tugging at my lips as I walked out of the plane. I followed the numerous signs to the baggage claim, stopping in front of the screen as I read the digit on it. Stand 6, from Sydney. I strutted to the stand and waited for a couple minutes for my luggage to arrive. Once I had everything, I paced towards the 'Arrivals' gate. I scanned the crowd, eagerly looking for the familiar face that was overly excited to come and pick me up from the airport when I announced I would be visiting Gotham. I chuckled when I distinguished someone at the end, waving his arms uncontrollably to get my attention. We ran to each other as he engulfed me in a hug. As he slightly pulled away, he placed a rough kiss on my lips.

"I missed you," He smiled. I pecked his lips before gently nudging him away from me.

 I pecked his lips before gently nudging him away from me

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"I missed you too,"

"You ready to have fun?" He asked. A smirk tugged at my lips and I nodded eagerly.


"Okay, so I suggest we go downtown, find a nice place to have lunch and then go visit the North side of Gotham since we didn't have time last time you came and then a nice long walk on the beach before having some ice cream. And take out food if we're still hungry for dinner." He explained, gesturing with his hand as his other gripped the steering wheel. I nodded at him, turning back to look at the road. A small smile tugged at my lips as his hand sat on my thigh. This is going to be so much fun.


"We're taking the lessons again," I signed to him. He released a groan, taking a mouthful of food. I kicked his foot from under him as he chuckled.

"Fine, alright, you're right, I'm a bit rusty though from last time." He set his fork on his plate and started testing out the basics that I had taught him last time I visited. I smile and shook my head as he got all the practice muddled up. We spent half an hour on relearning the basics over lunch before setting off for the beach.


"Do you like it?" Jason asked. I nudged his shoulder as he rolled his eyes before thinking over what he was supposed to do to transmit the information in Auslan.
I smiled as he took his time but got the information right. I gave him the 'told you it wasn't that bad' look, to which he shook his head softly, smiling at himself. I hit his chest and pointed to the ice cream shop.

"Right now?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"There is always a time for ice cream," I signed to him. He laughed loudly, putting his arm through mine as he pulled me with him. I hummed as I licked my ice cream.

"It's so good," He agreed. Nearly swallowing the whole thing in one bite. We walked for an hour, holding our shoes in our hands, feeling the soft, warm sand under our skin. We sat down on the edge of the beach, on the few big rocks to slower the corrosion process on the side of the concrete harbour.

"It's beautiful," He nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips as he slid his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into his chest.

"It's beautiful," He nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips as he slid his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into his chest

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"You ready to go home?" he gestured as I turned to him. I smiled at him as we stood up and started walking towards the road.


"Do whatever you want, I'll be just a sec," He explained slowly in Auslan. I sent him a wink and collapsed on the couch. We were both exhausted from the long day out today but it was unforgettable. I stared at the ceiling. Apparently, someone was at the front door as soon as we arrived and Jason went to get it. I breathed out slowly, my eyebrows furrowing as I turned on my phone. It had already been 10 minutes since Jason announced there had been someone at the door. Soon, I felt loud thuds from the couch and I sat up quickly. Strolling to the kitchen.

My gaze landed on the back of my boyfriend's head and an angry Dick. I knocked on the door to try and get his attention, but they were too focused on being at each other's throats. I sighed before waiting for their outburst to die down. But it never did. After an impatient while, I stopped the ground, feeling a small sting in my foot. Their attention both turned to me. I looked at Jason, waiting for an explanation. He took a deep breath before rubbing his forehead and signing.

"He stared at it!" He defended, gesturing widely in the air. I stared at him before slowly started to laugh, my fit never stopping as the moment playing over and over again in my head. Dick looked between us, very confused by the situation.
"I said it wrong didn't I?" He signed. I nodded, still trying to get over the situation.

"You keep messing up every time,"

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