Jason Todd x Reader - "Ice Skating And Truffle Making"

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Have the most romantic day with your boyfriend with no interruption from his stupid brothers.

A/N: Another fic for my baby back on Tumblr because I love her so much, this is going to be in two parts because I wrote more than I planned lol

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A/N: Another fic for my baby back on Tumblr because I love her so much, this is going to be in two parts because I wrote more than I planned lol.

Warning: fluff maybe?

A sudden warm could be felt across her back. She hummed softly, a small smile spreading on her lips.

"Hmm, baby," The voice mumbled, thick as the cold air outside, arms sliding lazily around her waist and snuggling closer into her back.

"You're so warm," She smiled lazily, turning around and burying her face in his neck as she hugged his waist tightly. Jason grinned widely, nuzzling her hair as he kept her close.

"And you're so beautiful, always," He murmured. A small blush peppered on her cheeks, smiling shyly.

"You can stop flirting with me babe, we're together remember,"

"Why? I love seeing the blush on your pretty face!" He grinned widely, cupping her cheek softly before kissing it.

"Also, Happy Valentine's day baby!" (Y/N) smiled shyly, hugging his waist and staring up at him. His smile widened at her beautiful face.

"Happy Valentine's day sweetheart, I love you!" His lips captured hers in a sweet passionate kiss. Her arms trailed up his chest to rest on his shoulders. The girl smiled again once they parted from the kiss.

"What is it baby?" a small chuckle escaped his lips.

"Do you want your present now?" She asked. He nodded eagerly watching her reach over to the nightstand and opening the drawer, pulling a small box out.

"What is this?" He raised a curious eyebrow, shuffling closer to her.

"No peeking, close your eyes!" She instructed, hiding the small wrapped box behind her back.

"Okay," Jason pouted, closing his eyes. He felt a small peck of her lips against hers, making his pout turn into a grin instantly.

"You can open your eyes now love," There was a small passionate twinkle in her eyes as he set his on hers. It made his heart swell.

The second robin beamed widely as he carefully unwrapped the gift, examining the black velvet box.

"Open it, open it, open it!" The girl encouraged. He snorted, opening it. His eyes widened and his mouth fell agape.

"Babe, I- wow!" His eyes filled with so much joy.

"You like it?" Her face was plastered with hope.

"I love it!" Todd grinned from ear to ear. His eyes sparkled as he stared at the beautiful ring.

"I thought since you gave me the ring early I'll do the same for you!" She blushed.

"Baby, I-I just love it," he murmured softly, still admiring the gift.

"You're melting my heart baby, did you get anything for me?"

"Yes and no," He nodded, her grin faltered slightly and she frowned, "yes if it is something that isn't physical and no if it is."

"I don't understand,"

"Basically, we have the whole day to ourselves, and I'm going to use that to my advantage," He grinned evilly. (Y/N)'s eyes softened.

"Oh babe, you didn't have to do this," She whispered, pecking his lips. Jason shook his head, placing his thumb again her mouth.

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to, I love you and I want us to have the sweetest Valentine's day," His eyes were full of love and the girl couldn't protest.

"What's the plan for today then?" She decided to say. He giggled like a little boy before pulling her close.

"So, we're going to go get ready -- at our own pace of course, then we will have breakfast in a nice little café, after that, we head to the ice rink since there will be no one there at this time. And finally," his arms slid around her waist and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek, "we will be making truffles!"

"Truffles?? How?" She tilted her head curiously.

"I signed up for both of us doing cooking lessons from the best chocolatier in France! It's an online course so we can do it together in our kitchen, I bought all the ingredients already!"

He laughed as the girl squealed happily, hugging him tightly.

"Oh my gosh, babyyy" She bit her lip happily, hiding in his neck.

"Oh, and the restaurant is for next weekend as well!"

"A restaurant as well??" She gasped. He hummed, nodding and kissing her lips softly, cupping her cheeks.


"Jason stop walking so fast!" She pulled his arm back.

"Hurry baby" He whined, suddenly pulling her hand, she squeaked, falling in his arms, "much better," a grin tore on his lips as he carried her along the pavement, the now blushing mess hit his chest to let her go but he didn't, happily making his way to the café, dismissing the strange looks the couple was getting.

"We're here, let me go!" She muttered, cheeks burning from the intense blush. He did as he was told, sliding her out of his arms and holding her hand tightly, dragging her inside the café.

The sweet aroma of coffee and tea was the first thing that caressed their pink and cold noses. A gentle smile from the cashier welcomed them to her.

"Good morning, what can I get for you?"

"A hot chocolate with mini marshmallows on it and a cookie!" (Y/N) nodded.

"I'll get a latte please," Jason ordered, "as well as a blueberry muffin and a gingerbread man," He suddenly blushed a little as (Y/N) looked over at him with a grin.

"Gingerbread man?"

"I like the little smarties buttons it has," He grumbled as she laughed softly.

"Here is your order," the girl nodded, sliding the tray of food along the counter.

"Choose the seats babe, I'll pay," Jason pecked her cheek as he pulled his wallet out of his pants and carefully gave her the tray.

"Okay," She muttered, biting her lip in concentration as she made her way against the window on the high chairs. As soon as the tray was on the countertop, Jason had already paid and walked up behind her, his arm sliding around her waist and kissing her cheek, sitting on the chair beside her. They each took their food and drink and ate quietly.

"Mmh," (Y/N) hummed, her eyes locked to Jason's as he turned away from the window to look at her, "it's so good, wanna try?" He nodded, smiling cheekily as she broke a small piece of her cookie and moved it to his mouth. He opened it, sticking his tongue out as she placed the bit inside his mouth and started chewing it.

"Wow, this is good!" He agreed, sipping some of his coffee as he downed the food.

They talked and laughed as they ate and drank their breakfast, feeding each other occasionally. After a while, (Y/N) was practically in Jason's side, his arm firmly around her and giggling about random things.

Todd peered down at his watch and kissed her temple.

"Wanna go to the ice skating rink?" He smiled, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. The girl smiled in the kiss, holding onto his shirt.

"Mmh," She hummed against him as he bit her bottom lip and sucked it softly. He pulled away to breathe.

"Yeah, let's go!" (Y/N) smiled sweetly, caressing his cheek as she moved away from him and stood up.

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