The Rapture- Part 2

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Later that day, you figured out that Jimmy had escaped when you thought he was in the bathroom. Knowing he was headed to his family, you had to go to Illinois to get him back before the demons got to him. However, getting Jimmy back was not number one on your list. What Sam did to you last night scared the shit out of you which is why you couldn't meet his eyes. Clinging to Dean's side the entire morning, you watched him brush his teeth as Sam pack his bags.

"Dean. Would you hurry up?" Sam complained, making his brother laugh with the toothbrush in his mouth. "Sorry, uh, this is funny to you?"

"Mr. Big-Bad-Prison-Guard, Jimmy McMook give you the slip? Yeah, it's pretty funny. What were you doing, anyway?" Dean asked. For a split second, you met Sam's gaze from the bathroom, but quickly looked away in fright.

"I was getting a coke," he sighed, knowing he had to apologize to you soon. Without Ruby's blood, he was getting angsty, but it was wrong of him to take it out on you. At least you didn't tell Dean otherwise he wouldn't be standing right now.

"Was it a refreshing Coke?"

"Can we just go, please?" he sighed. Dean nodded before returning to the bathroom. When he was finished and left, you clung to his side.

"What's wrong?" he asked you. You have two options in front of you: come clean about what happened last night or lie as to not cause a fight right now. Choosing the latter, you sighed.

"I'm worried for Jimmy's safety is all. Just nervous."

"We'll get him back," he kissed your head before leaving the room. Quickly following in his lead, you slid into the backseat before scooching to Dean's side. Sam saw how much you were affected by what happened, and he wanted nothing but to apologize. Once Dean was on the road, you were focusing on the outside world as it passed by you.

Sam looked over at you and sighed before taking out his phone. Sending you a quick text saying he was sorry, he watched you to see what you would do. Feeling your phone vibrate, you checked to see a new message from Sam, but you ignored it for now. Whatever he wants to say, he can say out loud with Dean here.

Sam sighed and turned back around, sitting in silence. A few minutes passed before you felt a presence next to you.

"Hey, guys," Anna said from next to you. Jumping in surprise, Dean swerved his car in shock since she scared the shit out of you three. "Smooth."

"You ever try calling ahead?" Dean asked.

"I like the element of surprise. You let Jimmy get away?"

"Talk to ginormo here," Dean scoffed as he motioned to his brother. The angel looked at Sam before tilting her head in confusion.

"Sam. You seem different."

"Me? I don't know. Heh. A haircut?" Sam tried to smoothly pass it off. He did look different. The more blood he drank, the more the black glow got intense.

"That's not what I'm talking about," she said, giving him a meaningful look, which meant she knew something about what he's been doing. Sam quickly looked away and she addressed the older brother. "So, what'd Jimmy tell you? He remember anything?"

"Why? What's going on?"

"It's Castiel. He got sent back home. Well, more like dragged back."

"To heaven? That's not a good thing?" you asked.

"No, that's a very bad thing. Painfully, awfully bad. He must have seriously pissed someone off."

"Castiel said he had something to tell me. Something important," you sighed.

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