I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 3

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Sam was drunk night after night after losing Dean and potentially you. He didn't know how to make it all go away without his big brother helping him along. He could only hope that one day the pain will go away. Walking into his motel room, he was immediately attacked. A male demon took a few punches to Sam before holding him hostage. A female demon came rushing out before snatching the demon-killing knife off him.

"Thanks for keeping this warm for me, Sam," she sneered.


"It's nice to be back. Where I was, even for Hell, it was nasty. I guess I really pissed Lilith off. Imagine my relief when she gave me one last chance to take it topside. And all I had to do was find you and kill you."

"Fine. Go ahead! Do it!" Sam yelled at her, waiting for her to make her move. She lifted the knife up before stabbing the other demon that was with her. He fell to the ground which made Sam blink at Ruby in confusion.

"Grab your keys. We got to go. Now!" she urged as she rushed to the car. Sam wasted no time in doing what he was told.

"You know what sounds good? French fries. I'm starving. I just escaped Hell. I deserve a treat," Ruby said once her and Sam were on the road. "You know, a 'thank you' would be nice."

"Who asked for your help?"

"You have no idea what I've been through. When Lilith gets pissed, she gets creative. You want to hear about the corners of Hell I've seen, Sam?"

"No, I don't."

"And the things I had to do to convince her I was sorry? That I could be trusted?"

"Well, this'll definitely get you a fat Christmas bonus," Sam scoffed.

"Very funny. I'm a fugitive... for you, Sam. I took all of this risk to get back to you, so, yeah, I deserve a damn 'thank you'."

"Who asked you to save me?" Sam snapped at her. He was just pissed that a demon saved his ass instead of killing him.

"I'm just trying to help."

"Can you help me save Dean?"

"No. Nothing I know of is powerful enough to do that," Ruby sighed.

"Then I have no use for you," Sam said as he pulled over on the side of the road.


"Get out."


"Whose body are you riding, Ruby?" he asked as he turned to her.

"What do you care? You've never asked me that before."

"I'm asking now," he gritted out.

"Some secretary," she shrugged.

"Let her go."

"Sam," she sighed.

"Or I send you right back to Hell," he growled. She glared at him, knowing he would do just exactly that.


Sam didn't have any money to go anywhere else which is why he was squatting in an abandoned house. It was dirty and smelled bad, but it was what he had to work with. In order to keep himself busy, he started cleaning his brother's and your guns. He was just about to do another when a knock at the door sounded. Grabbing a shotgun, he cocked it before walking to the door. Making sure that the gun is pressed to it, he opened it to reveal Ruby holding a piece of paper.

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