Death Takes a Holiday- Part 2

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As soon as you woke up, your magic healed your aching headache, but the same thing couldn't happen for Dean, unfortunately. The amount of magic you placed inside their body was only good enough to break them from the siren's spell. Dean was laying on the motel bed while you held an ice pack to his head.

"It's not fair," Dean groaned.

"What's not?"

"Your magic healed you of the pain. I'm stuck like this."

"I can give you some more. Just enough to make it go away," you offered. Before Dean could answer, the door opened and Sam walked in with a small notebook in hand.

"How you doing?"

"I'm in pain, that's how I'm doing. I think I have a concussion."

"You want some aspirin?"

"No thanks, House," Dean said as he sat up. Removing the icepack, you lightly rubbed his shoulders as a way to comfort him. "So, demons, huh?"

"Yeah. So much for miracles," you scoffed.

"What the hell happened with Alastair?" Dean asked.

"He tried to fling me or whatever and it didn't work, so he bailed."

"Well, how come he couldn't fling you? He chucked you pretty good last time."

"Got notidea," Sam said after too many moments of silence.

"Sam, do us a favor. If you're gonna keep your little secrets, I can't really stop you, but just don't treat us like an idiot, okay?"

"What? I'm not keeping secrets."

"You think I believe you?" you asked as you moved to sit next to Dean. "I have the same blood running through my veins, don't you forget. It's one thing to lie to us, and it's another to do it when I'm looking right at you."

"I'm not keeping secrets," he lied.

"Mm-hm. Whatever. So, did you go back and q-and-a the dead kid?" Dean asked, moving on.

"Didn't have to. Bobby called. He did some digging. He thinks you're right. Local reaper's gone. Not just gone—kidnapped."

"By demons? Why?"

"Listen to this," he said as he opened the notebook and began reading from it. "And he bloodied death under the newborn sky—sweet to taste, but bitter when once devoured."

"Swanky. What the hell's that mean?"

"Well, it's from a very obscure, very arcane version of Revelations. Basically, you kill a reaper under the solstice moon—tomorrow night, by the way—you got yourself a broken seal."

"How do you ice a reaper? You can't kill death," you sighed.

"I don't know. Maybe demons can. Where the hell are the angels is what I want to know. We could use their help for once."

"It looks like we're gonna have to take care of this one ourselves," you declared.

"What are we going to do? Reapers are invisible. The only people who can see reapers are the dead and dying."

"Exactly," you said with a smile.


"Now, before we go in there, I just want to say I know this is a lot to ask for," you began as you led Pamela down the hallway.

"No, this is insane. I hate that you brought me out here for this," she sighed.

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