Lazarus Rising- Part 4

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After Bobby got off the phone with Pamela, the four of you were on the move. You left Sam's room after Bobby told you where his friend was.

"She's about four hours down the Interstate. Try to keep up." He said as he left for his own car. You walked to the Impala and automatically got in the backseat since Sam always sat up front. You slid over to Dean's side to be closer to him and when they both got in, you slid your hands over the seat and settled them on his chest. You couldn't be away from him for too long, now that he's back in your arms.

Dean started the car and immediately turned the radio to the classic rock station. Everything was back to normal, except that Dean was alive and you had no clue who or what brought him back. Dean reached up and held your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. You rested your chin on the back of the seat and watched the world pass by as Dean followed behind Bobby.

"I missed you so much." You whispered and he turned his head slightly before whispering back.

"I missed you," He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed it before focusing on driving. "There's still one thing that's bothering me."

"What's that?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, the night that I bit it. Or... got bit," Dean chuckled at his own wit but you didn't. "How'd you two make it out? I thought Lilith was going to kill you guys."

"She tried, but she couldn't." You whispered, pulling away from him and sliding to the middle.

"What do you mean, she couldn't?" Dean asked.

"She fired this, like, burning light at us, and... didn't leave a scratch. Like we were immune or something." Sam answered.


"Yeah. I don't know who was more surprised, her or us. She left pretty fast after that." You added.

"Huh. What about Ruby, where is she?" Dean asked.

"No clue. She said that she sent her away. I don't know if she's dead or not." You said and Sam looked away from the two of you. You thought that was strange but Dean spoke again which distracted you.

"So, you've been using your, uh, freaky ESP stuff?" Dean asked Sam.


"You sure about that? Well, I mean, now that you've got... immunity, whatever the hell that is... just wondering what other kinds of weirdo crap you've got going on."

"Nothing, Dean. Look, you didn't want me to go down that road, so I didn't go down that road. It was practically your dying wish." Sam sighed.

"Yeah, well, let's keep it that way." Dean nodded. Sam broods but he didn't say anything else after that. "What about you, sweetheart?"

"What about me?"

"Come on, your magic? If you're a witch, then you're a witch. Ain't nothing I can do to change that. Is it better? Can you do more things?" Even though Dean asked, Sam was also interested in this.

"I haven't been able to do control it much this summer. I haven't been able to focus on a lot of things, actually. But in the midst of all my pain and suffering, I can throw magic balls."

"Magic balls?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, to get out frustration, I would throw balls of magic at the broken cars. It did some damage. I can also set things on fire if I really put my mind to it. Don't worry, I didn't hurt myself. Oh, and I can heal wounds." You chuckled at the end.

"Wait, you can heal wounds?" Dean asked, looking at you quickly before focusing on the road.

"Yeah, remember that case of the spirit calling people and pretending to be other's loved ones? Well, I saw a bird on the ground with a broken wing and all I could think about was healing it and then I did. Maybe later, I will find some spell books and practice more spells. They could come in handy. I don't know if healing works on humans but I haven't tried it."

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