After School Special- Part 4

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Dean was racing to find the damn bus. After you found out that it left for a game, you had to race to find it. Well, you found it alright, but stashed on the side of the road in an accident. Dean slowed the vehicle down after Sam got out to confront the bully. Dean grabbed the salt-soaked ropes to trap him while you approached Sam who pointed a gun at the bus driver.

"Dirk!" Sam yelled, looking at you but dismissing you. Quickly getting on the bus, you looked at the panicked kids who saw Sam with a gun.

"It's okay, everything is under control. Just stay where you are," you smiled.

"Aren't you the yoga teacher?" the coach asked while all the boys stared at you.

"In more ways than one. Look, the bus driver is selling pot, yeah. Don't worry, I'm going to find it but you guys just stay right there," you chuckled before opening the glove compartment. Quickly finding the Bible, you shuffled through the papers, but didn't find the lock of hair.

"It's not here!" you yelled to the brothers. Smiling at the people inside, you walked off the bus to see the driver in ropes.

"Where is it?" you asked.

"No way you'll ever find it."

"Where is it?!" Sam yelled, pushing the shot gun to Dirk's chest.

"Sam Winchester. Still a bully. You jocks... you popular kids... you always thought you were better than everybody else. And to you, I was just Dirk the jerk, right? Now you evil sons of bitches are gonna get what's coming to you," he growled.

"I'm not evil, Dirk. I'm not. And neither were you. Trust me. I've seen real evil. We were scared and miserable, and we took it out on each other – us and everybody else. That's high school. But you suffer through that, and it gets better. I'm just sorry you didn't get a chance to see that... you or Barry."

"Nothing is gonna get better for me. Not ever," he said just as he broke out of the ropes. Sam immediately fired rock salt at the man, which caused the students to panic inside. Quickly getting back on the bus, you tried to contain everyone's attention.

"Everything is fine, trust me. You have nothing to be worried about," you said as they fought outside. Suddenly, you felt something strange inside. Looking around, you caught the sight of ectoplasm leak out of a student's nose. He got up before making his way to you.

"Uh uh, I don't think so," you said, but Dirk didn't want you. Pushing you out of the way, you knocked into the steering wheel, watching him leave the bus. The student attacks Sam, bringing him to the ground. Dean began shooting at him, but nothing was working.

"Y/N! Find the hair!" Sam yelled. Quickly getting up, you searched the glove compartment but didn't find anything. The students were muttering, but you had to think of where it might be. Thinking that Dirk might have had the hair on him, you left the bus to go to the driver.

"Sorry, man, this isn't what it looks like," you said as you searched him. He groaned but made no move to stop you. Not finding the hair in the pockets, you took off his shoe before turning it upside down. And out came the lock of hair. Grabbing it, you got out your lighter while trying to ignite it.

Looking up, you saw Dirk punching Sam over and over while Dean tried to get him off, so you hurried. Once you got it lit, you set the hair on fire, making Dirk yell from the student's body. Dirk was expelled from the body before going up in flames. Dean groaned and fell back on the street, glad that this was all over. The student groaned in pain before falling on Sam.

"Little help?" Sam squeaked out from underneath the student. Letting out a sort laugh, you took out your phone to take a picture of it since you wanted to remember this forever.

"He's giving you the full cowgirl," Dean teased, making Sam groan. Ghost dead, case closed.


Working up the nerve to knock on the janitor's closet, you knew who was in there, doing what. John had called you saying he was done with the case, and that it was time to go. The reason why he called you was because Dean wasn't answering, and you knew why.

Getting it over with, you knocked on the door only to hear his voice inside.

"Five more minutes, Jerry."

"Dean, seriously?" you sighed, opening the door. Dean pulled away from his new eye candy to look at you. Refusing to meet his eye and certainly the girls, you said what needed to be said.

"John is here. He finished work, so we have to get Sam," you muttered before leaving the closet. Dean finished up with his girl before joining you, not knowing why you were like this.

"What's wrong?"

"Just glad to be out of this school," you chucked as you saw Sam.

"I hear that. Come on, Sammy!" Dean yelled as his younger brother looked at him. Sam sighed before saying goodbye to his friends as they headed back inside the school. He looked sad to be leaving but came over nonetheless. Not long after, John pulled up to get the hell out of here. Quickly getting into the car, Dean got in the front while Sam hesitantly got in the back. As soon as everyone was in the car, John drove off. Looking back, the high school got smaller and smaller until it became nonexistent like it will in your mind in the next few years.


"I'm just glad we're done with this school," you chuckled as you leaned against Dean while Sam talked to the teacher he never got to earlier.

"I kind of liked you in that yoga outfit."

"Kind of? You couldn't stop staring at my ass, even the students noticed it," you laughed before lightly hitting his chest with your left hand. Looking at the ring you still had on there, you let out an amused chuckle before taking it off.


"I forgot I still had this on," you admitted as you slid it back on your right ring finger. "You know, when my students asked about you, I told them we were married, that you were my husband. It was nice to be married for a while. Imagine me, as a wife. I'd be a terrible one."

"I wouldn't be so sure," he said quietly, thinking about exactly that. You and Dean have been together for just about 3 years. Marriage has crossed his mind more than once but was always scared he wasn't going to give you what you needed.

Looking at you now, hearing you talk about how terrible of a wife you'd make, he was thinking the opposite. You'd be the best one there was which is why he declared at that moment he wanted to marry you.

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