Death Takes a Holiday- Part 4

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After a long and painful process, Cole got you up to speed about everything there is to know. Before it was too late, you three headed down to the funeral home only to discover it was covered in demonic symbols. The living walked past, not noticing the symbols at all. The walls of the funeral home are covered in glowing blue diagrams, mostly six-sided figures, some in circles and some in squares, all with lines through them and squiggles inside the triangles thus formed. 

"This looks like New Jack City. Can nobody can see this?" Dean asked.

"Maybe it's demon invisible ink. Only see it in the veil," you shrugged.

"Any idea what it's for?"

"Only one way to find out," you said before walking inside the home. Going around the stairs, you didn't find anything out of the ordinary until you came to the main room where you saw a demon guarding two reapers inside an eight-pointed star with squiggles on each point. Inside the star was Tessa and another reaper.

"Dude check me out," Dean whispers before walking to the man. After the first few steps, he flickered away only to reappear behind the man. He tapped him on his shoulder, only to punch him in the face, knocking him down. Dean flickered away so when the man stood up, he didn't see anyone standing there. Until suddenly Sam appeared and got in a punch only for you to appear right next to him, punching him in the jaw. Dean appeared, and the demon began crawling away in pain behind a coffin on the dais.

"You know, this ghost thing, it's, it's kind of rad," Dean chuckled. Out of the blue, another man, presumably a demon, came out from behind the curtain carrying a chain, clearly in pain. The first demon jumped over the coffin and out of the way just as the second demon pulls the chains tight, hooking it onto a candle stand.

"This is iron," you groaned, knowing it would do some damage if you touched it. From across the room, an older man walked into the room before smirking.

"Boys, lady, find the place okay?" he asked as his eyes turned white. Alastair. After turning them back to normal, he walked up to the chain but didn't touch it. One demon handed him a shotgun which he cocked it. Pointing it at Dean, he shot him causing him to disintegrate.


"Rock salt's not so much fun anymore, is it?" the demon laughed as Dean reappeared.

"Alastair. You bastard."

"Well, go on. Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hotshot?" he smirked at Sam. "It's hard to get it up when you're not wearing your meat, huh?"

"Go to hell," Sam growled.

"Ah, if only I could," he said as he walked away to the reapers. "But they just keep sending me back up to this arctic shithole."

"To kill death?" you asked.

"No, to kill death twice. It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. They're like lemmings," he chuckled as he cocked the shotgun before shooting Sam. Just like Dean, he disintegrated into nothing, and Alastair walked back up to the chains.

"By the way, it's, uh, good to see you again, Dean. Y/N."

"You can shoot us all you want, but you can't kill us," Dean growled just as Sam appeared with his arms wrapped around his torso.

"Ah, is that so?" he asked just as he shot you, turning you to dust. Pain surrounded your body for the time you spent gone until you reappeared, and then the pain died down.

"Pamela," you whispered, hoping she was alright. The demon laughed before grabbing a scythe, turning it over in his hands as he waited for midnight to come.

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