It's A Terrible Life- Part 2

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Since there was so much work left over from the night before, you decided to come into work a little bit earlier to finish it before Dean came in with a new load. Getting off the elevator, you walked to your desk before seeing yet another file for tech support.

"Damn it, don't they know how to keep their shit together?" you muttered as you snatched it up. Taking the elevator down to tech support, you noticed how eerily quiet the place was without any employees. They weren't scheduled to come in until later which why you were the only one down here. Walking past the many cubicles, you noticed one of the computers on which was weird to you. Every single one of them were off except for this one. Walking to it, you noticed the person's name taped to the wall indicating whose desk this belonged to.

"Paul? You there?" you asked, approaching the lit break room, the only lit room on the floor. As you neared, the potent stench of rotting flesh was the only thing you could smell. Gagging, you put your elbow over your nose to smell the perfume you put on instead of the alternative. It didn't help much, but it was all you got.

As soon as you turned the corner, you screamed bloody murder, dropping the file. Paul was in there with his head stuck in the microwave. Whoever did this wanted to cook his head, which is what happened. Fumbling for your phone, you dialed Dean first before the police. Your mind was reeling, and you just needed to tell Dean.

"Y/N?" Dean answered, sounding sleepy.

"Dean, you have to come to work right now. Someone is dead," you cried, ignoring the stench right now.

"Wait, slow down, what is going on?" he asked, clearly more awake now.

"Dean, I found someone dead in tech support. Please come down to work."

"Okay, call the police, I'll be there as soon as I can."

Hanging up, you rushed to call the police, scared of how this happened and why. After the police arrived, they were contaminating the scene with onlookers at every direction. Dean was standing next to you, hand on your back, comforting you after you talked to the police. Looking up, you noticed Sam staring at you and Dean.

"Something about this seem not right to you?" Dean asked you.

"You have that feeling too?"

"Come on, let's go back upstairs," he said softly before guiding you back to his office where he offered you some aspirin and a bottle of water.

"Who was that man?" Dean asked as he sat down at his desk.

"His name was Paul Dunbar," you sighed as Dean got to typing. Walking around to his side, you watched as he pulled up the Sandover personnel file for the deceased. Looking at the notes section, you read that Paul's retirement party was in two weeks.

"Two weeks?" you asked, looking at Dean who had the same level of confusion written on his face.

"Why would someone kill themselves two weeks before they retire?" you asked as you took a seat on the other side of the desk.

"Beats me," he sighed, trusting you with his information. You haven't been here long, but he trusts you like no other. Sighing, you focused on the paperwork in front of you when Dean sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?"

"A form got filled out wrong, hold on," he picked up the phone before dialing the person he needed. "I need to see you in my office, please. Thanks."

"Ooo someone is in trouble," you sang to which he chuckled. A few moments later, a knock at the door sounded before the man that had been talking with Sam about his dream walked in. Getting up to give them privacy, Dean held out his hand to stop you.

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