Metamorphosis- Part 1

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"This is the place," you said, looking at the fading 425 on the side of the building. Castiel told you and Dean that Sam would be here, and you hoped that he was right about this. Why Sam would be in this dingy warehouse, you didn't know, but you were about to find out.

Walking closer to the warehouse, you peeked inside the window to see Sam, the girl he was with when you found Sam once Dean came back, and a man tied to a chair.

"Dean check this out," you whispered, motioning for him to come over. When he did, you both peered into the window to see what Sam and that woman were going to do to that man and why. The words they were saying were almost impossible to hear, so you had to rely on body language to determine what was going on.

"What do you think they are doing?" Dean asked.

"Beats me. I'm assuming this man is a monster of some kind, but why would Sam leave without us, and who is that woman? Remember when you first came back and we went to go see Sam? That same woman was with him in the room. I don't know why he wouldn't tell us about her if they're dating."

"I don't think that's the most pressing matter at the moment," Dean replied, staring at his brother. Opening your mouth to respond, you saw Sam stick his arm out in front of him. The man in the chair started choking and black smoke came rushing out of the man's mouth. No way this was happening. This is what Sam has been doing this entire time?

The black smoke continued to pour out as Sam forced the demon out. The smoke burned through the floor, and Sam breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. The woman smiled as did Sam, and he quickly rushed to the man to feel for a pulse.

"What the hell just happened?" you asked.

"Son of a bitch," Dean growled, moving away from the window. Being as pissed as Dean was, you knew half-assing it in there wasn't a good idea. Joining Dean at the front door, you were about to enter when the door opened from the other side. Sam, who was holding the man up, stared at you and Dean with a shocked look.

"So... Anything you wanna tell me, Sam?" Dean asked in an angry tone. Flitting your eyes from Sam to the woman behind him, you began walking towards Sam who just backed up with the man.

"Dean, Y/N, hold on, okay? Just let me—"

"You gonna say, 'let me explain'? You're gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you start with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here?" Dean spat.

"You've been hiding things from us, and you didn't think we weren't going to find out?" you asked the younger brother. Looking over at the woman, she just looked at you with a smile.

"It's good to see you again, Dean. Y/N."

"Ruby?" both you and Dean said at the same time.

"Is that Ruby?" Dean asked his brother, pointing an accusatory finger at her. Neither Ruby or Sam said anything, and the longer the silence wore on, the more Ruby lost her smile. Dean pounced into action, grabbing Ruby and throwing her against the wall. He quickly pulled out her demon-killing knife and was about to strike her, but Sam was quick on his feet.

Setting the man down gently, he rushed over to his brother and grabbed his hand just as he was about to strike.

"Don't!" Sam and Dean immediately struggle for the knife, forgetting about Ruby momentarily. Her eyes watched the brothers but then turned to you, and you glared at her. From the beginning, you never liked her, and you made that very apparent.

Sam grabbed the knife just as his brother shoved him against the wall. Ruby sprang into action and grabbed Dean, pinning him against the wall that he used for her.

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