Wishful Thinking- Part 2

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Approaching the young girl's house, you knocked on her door, eager to find out why she had those items.

"What's this, like a 'Harry and the Hendersons' deal?" Dean asked as you waited. The door opened to reveal the young girl.


"Hello! Um, could we... You know what? Are your parents' home?" Sam asked nicely.


"No. Um... Have you seen a really, really furry..." you trailed off, not knowing how to describe it until the young girl perked up.

"Is he in trouble?

"No," Sam chuckled. "No, no, no. Not at all. We just—we wanted to make sure he was okay."

"Exactly," Dean nodded.

"He's my teddy bear. I think he's sick."

"Wow. Uh... Amazing. Because you know what? We... are, uh... teddy bear doctors," you improvised.

"Really? Can you please take a look at him?" the young girl asked with a hopeful look.

"Yeah," you said slowly, walking into her house. She led you up the stairs to her closed off room.

"He's in my bedroom. He's pretty grumpy," she said before knocking on her door. "Teddy? There're some nice doctors here to see you." She opened her door to reveal a giant Winchester-sized teddy bear who is really drunk, watching television.

"Close the fucking door!" he sobbed, and the young girl did as she was told.

"See what I mean?" she asked. The amount of shock written on your face didn't do justice to Sam and Dean's. Looking at both of them, you didn't know what to think of this.

"All I ever wanted was a teddy which was big, real, and talked. But now he's sad all the time—not 'ouch' sad, but ouch-in-the-head sad—says weird stuff and smells like the bus."

"Um, little girl..."

"Audrey!" she interrupted Dean.

"Audrey. How exactly did your teddy become real?"

"I wished for it."

"You wished for it?" you asked.

"At the wishing well," she nodded. Slowly opening her door, you looked at the giant teddy bear who was watching the news on the TV. Sam and Dean moved Audrey out of the way so she didn't have to see this anymore.

"Look at this," he chuckled. "You believe this shit?"

"Not really," you chuckled nervously.

"It is a terrible world. Why am I here?!"

"For tea parties!" Audrey exclaimed.

"Tea parties? Is that all there is?" he asked as the sound of guns firing could be heard from the TV. Nodding, you tried to get a read on this teddy bear but didn't find any signs of a spirit attached to it.

"Okay," you said quietly before closing the door once more. "Audrey, give us a second, would you? Okay." Moving away from her, you spoke to the brothers in a low voice.

"Are we... Should we... Uh, are we gonna kill this teddy bear?" Sam asked.

"How? Do we shoot it, burn it?" Dean wondered

"I don't think either of those will work. That bear isn't supernatural. I mean, there isn't a spirit attached to it. I didn't feel that kind of vibe," you whispered.

"Yeah. Besides, I get the feeling that the bear isn't really the, you know, core problem here," Sam said before pulling away and turning to the young girl. "Audrey. Where are your parents?"

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