It's A Terrible Life- Part 1

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Groaning, you turned your head before turning off the alarm without opening your eyes. Time for another day in the line of work, boring yourself with everything that happened around you. The only good thing about this job was Dean. He was cute, respectable, and you two had something going on even if it was just flirty banter.

Getting out of bed, you started you morning routine: coffee while you ate some toast, shower for about 45 minutes, get dressed, put on some flattering makeup, make sure you smell nice, grab another cup of coffee, then head out the door. Before you got to work, you stopped by a Starbucks to get yourself and Dean a coffee. Knowing what he liked, it was quick and easy to get it before heading off to work.

Arriving in the building, you passed by some college, waved to them, before heading to the elevator. Your boss always arrived at work before you did, but only by a few minutes. Being Dean's PA meant a lot of work, but you managed to do it and still run the whole floor. He was the director of sales and marketing, but your job list contained a lot more than just getting his coffee and taking his calls.

Exiting the elevator once it opened, you walked to your desk before setting your purse and coffee on it. Looking up, you saw Dean in his office as he typed on his computer. Smiling you walked over to his office, knocked on the door, and opened it.

"One vanilla latte," you said as you entered his office.

"You read my mind," he chuckled, thanking you as you placed it on his desk.

"You're welcome," you smiled before taking the stack of papers off his desk that were meant for you.

"I do need those copied, filed, and faxed to the main office."

"Yes sir," you lightly smirked.

"I know you'll do a good job, you always do. I wouldn't be me without you," he flirted. He was so handsome which is why you blushed, but you hid it well from him.

"Please, Mr. Smith, you can barely steam yourself a latte without burning yourself," you laughed before walking out of his office. He grinned as he looked at your ass before going back to his job. Taking a seat, you got to work in doing exactly what he asked of you.

All morning, you have been working your ass off to get things done with Dean interrupting a few times. It's not like you minded, you always jumped at the chance to be near him. When you walked in there the first time for him to sign some documents that came through the fax, you made sure to stand close enough to him so he could smell your perfume. Putting on the one he absolutely loved, you knew he would love the scent.

The second time he called you in was when lunch started. He didn't usually leave his office to have lunch in the break room which is why he invited you to sit with him. It just being you two, you enjoyed how you could talk like friends only to go back to be professional in an instant. He was one of the best bosses you worked for since it felt like you two had known each other since forever.

The rest of the afternoon was spent working on your job until you got a phone call from his mother, Ellen.

"Hello, Mrs. Smith," you answered the phone, glad to hear her voice. Some people might think it weird to be good friends with their boss' mom, but you didn't find it weird at all. Again, it was just something that felt right.

"Y/N how are you doing?"

"Good, just sitting here, doing paperwork," you chuckled.

"Is Dean around? Could I speak with him?"

"Let me check, hold for just one moment," you said as you put her on hold. Pressing the button that called Dean's office, you waited until he picked up.

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