Yellow Fever- Part 3

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After finding the place, you three walked down the hallway to talk to Luther's brother who so happened to still be alive. He lived in this building, and you were going to finally figure out what happened to Luther. As you walked down the hallway, you bumped into an old lady who just smiled as she passed. Dean, however, was startled by her presence.

"This isn't gonna work. Come on, these badges are fake. What if we get busted? We could go to jail," Dean panicked, speaking a bit loudly. Sam's eyes widened at this, but you knew you were the only one that was gonna get him to calm down. Reaching up, you cupped both his cheeks in your hands. He jumped at the contact but stilled once he knew it was you.

"Dean, would I let anything happen to you?" you asked in a soft voice as Dean shook his head no. "Then you have nothing to be scared of. I'm right here. Nothing bad will happen. You have to trust me."

"I trust you," he whispered with wide eyes. When Sam knew his brother will be fine, he knocked on the right door and waited for the brother to answer.

"Mr. Garland. Hi uh, I'm Agent Tyler. This is Agent Perry and Agent Whitford, FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions about your brother Luther," Sam said once the door was opened.

"Let me see some I.D."

"Certainly," Sam complied, showing him the badge. You and Dean showed him yours before quickly putting them away.

"Those are real, obviously. I mean, who would pretend to be an FBI agent, huh? That's just nutty," Dean sputtered, earning a weird look from Mr. Garland. Squeezing Dean's hand, you shushed him quietly.

"What do you want to know?"

"Uh, well...according to this, your brother Luther died of physical trauma," Mr. Garland scoffed at this. "You don't agree."

"No, I don't."

"Then, what would you call it?" you asked.

"Don't matter what an old man thinks."

"Mr. Garland. We're just trying to get the truth on your brother. Please," Sam pleaded.

"Everybody was scared of Luther. They called him a monster. He was too big, too mean-looking. Just too different. Didn't matter he was the kindest man I ever knew. Didn't matter he'd never hurt no one. A lot of people failed Luther. I was one of them. I was a widower with three young 'uns. And I told myself there was nothing I could do."

"Mr. Garland, you recognize this woman?" you asked, taking out a picture of Frank's wife.

"It's Jessie O'Brien. Her man, Frank, killed Luther."

"How do you know that?"

"Everybody knows. They just don't talk about it. Jessie was a receptionist at the mill. She was always real nice to Luther, and he had a crush on her. But Frank didn't like it. And when Jessie went missing, Frank was sure that Luther had done something to her. Turns out the old gal killed herself, but Frank didn't know that. They found Luther with a chain wrapped around his neck. He was dragged up and down the stretch outside that plant till he was past dead."

"And O'Brien was never arrested?" Dean asked.

"I screamed to every cop in town. They didn't want to look into Frank. He was a pillar of the community. My brother was just the town freak."

"You must have hated Frank," you said in a soft tone.

"I did for a long time, but life's too short for hate. And frank wasn't thinking straight. His wife had vanished, he was terrified. A damn shame he had to put Luther through the same, but... that's fear. It spreads and spreads."

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